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how toxic relationship changed my entire perspective about myself!!

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Nowadays many men and women hastily get into relationship  in the name of love but sometimes these so called ‘relationships’ become toxic for the involved ones..I feel very hard to acknowledge this because I want to think myself as a strong girl who always achieves everything in life but NO sometimes it is okay to feel weak.. But to be honest I think that this experience has made me strong.. Whoever is reading this thank you for reading this that means a lot to me.. When I was in 10th standard I got into my first “serious” relationship.. it went on for 2 years.. It started very normally. Everything was fine for 6 months. But then eventually he started to behave weirdly he used to talk rudely which quite affected me and suffocated my soul.. He would say things that would make me feel bad about myself!!  I started questioning my self-worth..  I was scared.. and at that point I realized that no this is not what love is.. And I broke up with him.. But the problem was he couldn’t accept the fact that I no longer wanted to be with him.. Once again I got back with him.. at that point I felt so lonely didn’t have anyone to talk to.. Any how I survived with him for the next whole year.. I started finding distractions also. Because I didn’t wanted to think about him.. He used to get really aggressive when we fought.. Eventually I convinced him that we are not good for each other.. this whole experience had a great effect upon my later personality and is one  of the most traumatic part of my life but today  I AM FINALLY HAPPY with my life right now.. People say that you should forget the past but its not that easy because even now whenever I look at him all those memories come rushing by… I just want to say that NEVER.. Never underestimate yourself. If somebody is not giving you a good vibe don’t let them get in your head and hamper with your mental health..  People say that it’s okay it was minor.. it was not that much toxic.. I just want to say one thing that love isn’t toxic.. It means nurturing you.. IF somebody is scaring you that’s literally the opposite…LOVE IS MUCH MORE PEACEFUL THAN THAT!!! Now I have realized no matter what I will not hesitate to love myself.. and it is not necessary that only love relationships are toxic.. NO whether  it is your friend, your colleague ..anyone who demotivates you is toxic.. For me psychology is not just a subject but a means  to be able to help people who hesitate to seek medical help and are struggling with themselves every single day..

Hope everyone is fine and have a good day!!

Mohini Agrawal December 13, 2020 7:54 pm

Hey shreya! I am soo proud of the person you've become, you'll meet a lot of people who'll drag you down but always believe in yourself and I am right here. I know what it feels like, I was in a toxic relationship too and I even had a toxic friendship it sucks and it changed me but for better now I know my worth and no one can change that! You are one strong girl and I know it's hard but it'll fade away with time. Lots of love💘

Shobha December 13, 2020 9:09 pm

Hey I am just so proud of you I can some how relate this because some point in life I also got into a toxic relationship and it's was more bad than this one honestly love yourself and take time to get into any relationship not bf gf but friendship also because toxic friends are more harmful that's my love yourself God bless you be happy babes♥️♥️more power to you 

anshika singh December 13, 2020 10:20 pm

that's true indeed the word relationship isn't just restricted to romantic relationships, it basically includes and relationship we can have with another human/humans. Power to you girl, you are strong and a warrior. Nobody can even reach to the level of pain you've endured. Glad to have stopped by this and read this. Keep radiating positivity always. 🙂

Yuvanue chauhan December 13, 2020 10:23 pm


vrinda tuteja December 13, 2020 10:42 pm

hey shreya, hope you are keeping well. i myself have been part of several toxic friendships and relationships and i understand how highly distressing they can be. however, i do believe that after every toxic relationship that you get out of, you become a new person. you learn more about yourself. you become aware of the things that you like, or not. and you certainly become clearer about your boundaries. we bounce back stronger. 

anyway, more power to you. sending you love :))


RIYA/RIRI December 13, 2020 10:52 pm

I am so happy you were able to figure out that it wasn't good for you and you are at a good place in life right now. so proud of you for taking that step and cutting the toxicity out of your life. it takes a lot of courage. also, it was not weak of you, It was VERY strong of you to go through all that and getting your power, self-confidence and self love back. all the power to you. keep slaying!

M. Benadict Savitha December 13, 2020 11:38 pm

Really proud of you and thank you for such good article 

Sayeeda Zaiba December 13, 2020 11:58 pm

Hello Shreya. I am so happy that you have been so strong throughout this and even stronger to share this with us. You should really be proud of yourself. You've shown us that being weak us not bad but letting that weakness take over us is. You have bot only inspired us but also given us reassurance and strength to people who find themselves in such situation. I hope you're doing well now and I wish you all the best for everything you wish to do. Peace. 

Aashima Kathpalia December 14, 2020 12:30 am


Aleesha Joykutty December 14, 2020 10:21 am

Hloo dear, more power to you for coming out of this toxic relationship. May you have all the happiness in your life☺️☺️

12 Answers

You should be proud of yourself. I think we all get ourselves engaged in one or two toxic relationships. But what matters the most is how you overcome everything and evolve in a much more better person.


you did the right thing. And yes toxic relationships dosen't have to be only with partners but it could be with anyone who we consider close. Love yourself everyday and good luck.


Heyy! So proud of you for stepping out of that relationship which was toxic to you, most people fail to do that. Nd yes, completley agree to your point that its not only romantic relationships that are toxic, they may just be friends, relatives or any one. Any body who tries to lower your self worth or makes u feel bad about yourself is toxic, nd u do not need them in your life! So glad you chose yourself over a guy who didn't even realize your worth 🙂 more power to you!


Nor I will not give any advice or neither I will console you because I am not the person for that. I only want to say that whenever you feel suffocated in any of your relation be it your friendship or relationship or anything, the moment you realize that it is getting suffocating or toxic step out of it and I mean it; JUST STEP OUT and I am saying this because I felt it personally and I am bearing the repercussions of it till now, still even when I'm writing this, at every moment of my life and there is nothing I can do to end these repercussions.

Stay strong....


Hey i am so proud of you that you overcame that. And that you were able to convince him that you two were not good for eact other. I am happy to hear that you are happy. And if in future you need anyone to talk to, well i am here if you want.


I am so glad you found your strength and started living for yourself because it's so important to do that before we go and love another person. Don't listen to people who say that it was just a minor thing and let them invalidate your feelings. What you went through was real and I am so happy that you choose yourself. It's always important to know oneself because only then we can form healthy relationships with anyone.



I am so happy that you were able to stand up for urself instead of trying to cope up with his rude behaviour. I totally agree that we should learn to be independent and don't let other opinions make you insecure or comfortable.

Thanks alot for sharing your experience.


Hey Shreya,  firstly I want to say you are really brave that you came out of such situation in such young age. Emotional downs and crisis directly affect other aspects of life, and you overcome that is great achievement. 

It's not your fault that you got stuck over, it's just it's nowadays pattern of society children claiming to be  falling in love when they don't even know what love means actually. And eventually such situations create like yours.

I wish we could work to cure this problem among children. Because lot youth energy is shrunken over this only. 

Wish you do great in your life apart from dragging your past. 🙌



This young age love or may be an infatuation itself is toxic. I accept that not all love is toxic especially the love between brother and sisters, cause what ever they do something against each other the will stand up for each other when there is a problem. Your experience has taken you to a different perspective of seeing the life whereas it doesn't happen for everyone in their life. I'm happy that you have realised what you need to move on with your life. The psychologist who have experienced those situations have a great future because they know what to do or how to treat the patients in the future. 

All the best future Psychologist.

If i get a chance i wish to learn and interact a lot with you dear.

Have a happy life dear.



@shreya As well as everyone who is reading this, a little heads up. Any guy/girl who gets angry when accused of something, there are odds that they might be wrong. Resulting in getting furious about someone pointing out the actual issue. Yet, there are chances they might be having a good enough reason for their behavior. I would suggest, trust your inner voice. The vibe? It is so true. It can help  A LOT. And always communicate with your partner about whatever problem may be, if you both want it to work, you will find a solution, otherwise I am sorry. You need to move on.


Shreya, I'm so sorry for what you had to go through. But I'm also very proud of you for freeing yourself from that toxicity. I'm glad you're in a good place now. 

You're absolutely right. Love is nurturing and helps you grow. It adds to your sense of self. If anyone is making you feel worthless in the name of love or disturb your mental peace, you should distance yourself from them. I'm glad you were able to do that. And no one can ever benefit from forgetting the past- acceptance is the key. You accept whatever happened and you learnt from it and you won't let it influence your present and your future. That toxic relationship was only a bad part of your life and now it's over. It doesn't define you. What you are doing now, in your present, is who you are and that's a strong and beautiful girl. Much love❤️


I'm happy that you have realised what you need to move on with your life.
