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If I were to say, most of us are guilty of believing that lie in our childhood, that being an adult is the key card to let us do anything we wanted, I knew I wasn't the only one who thinks like that, right?. As I go through adolescence, the more I got into trouble with doing the things I wanted. I fall really deep into a lot of dilemmas. My parents were really nice and considerate of me, they were like the type of parents who would let me explore things and taught me to be independent and responsible. With such an opportunity, I got to experience and try new and a lot of things, and I was enjoying it, not until I have to choose a specific decision, worst is when they ask me to commit to it. My indecisiveness took most of my time, leading me to a lot of pressure and anxiety and end up with rush decisions. I just knew I was the type of person who loves trying new things and gain experiences, that is why it was hard to know what I really want to pursue. Well, I'm into art I love and enjoy it when I do designs and draw what I am imagining in my mind. I also wanted to be part of a film directing and production, I am really interested in movies and have experienced creating short videos from directing and editing during high school. I also wanted to be a soldier, I was part of our organization during high school we called CAT, citizenship advancement training and I was one of the officers, specifically, Lieutenant Commanders. Since I was into a lot of movies, I've watched a lot of psychological thrillers that got my interest in Psychology. And I have many more to mention.  To be honest, I still can't believe I were able to choose Psychology with all those choices I have, If you would ask me why am I having a bad time choosing?, It was all because of one thing the fear, the fear that I might just wasting my time, the fear of dissapointing my own self for not being able to be satisfied and achieved that happiness after choosing, the fear that you might end up regreting what've done and not be fully fulfilled with my decision. People around me made it sound it so easy when they choose their own course, they be like "choose what you love" but what If I love and enjoy doing all of them ?. But what made me got into my course or should I say what made me decide to do a decision is that, to identify who I am, sounds absurd?. Thinking back in time, I have realized that I was really a brave and courages person for being able to try and explore new things so what should I be scared of. I have realized not only me who is scared of what the outcome of our decision would be, instead all of us but other people where able to still decide. I have realized that I don't need and I will never be able to please people around me the way I wanted to. I have realized choosing one decision will not stop my interest into other things and that we all have the time in the world to achieve what we wanted. And if we are not able to achieve one of them is a big 'ITS OKAY', because after all we're human stick in the ground wear and that the fulfillment and happiness is found inside me and not into how high I will fly and what kind of bird I am.

With all that, I were able to woke up at one time being so courageous that I went into my enrollment form and write B.S. Psychology, after all Psychology made a big impact in me. Understanding something complex (behaviour) is not only putting up a degree but exploring myself also. I am able to understand my feeling, emotions through sudying the course. Though I can't say that I have fully overcame my indecisivness however, I can only say I am developing at least.

I hope people who suffers the same thing with me could also share theirs, as I've wanted to know how they're coping with it. Thank you guys for taking your time to read mine :))

Mohini Agrawal December 13, 2020 8:11 pm

Hey! You're such a strong person don't ever think otherwise! Keep going, lots of love💘

anshika singh December 13, 2020 8:45 pm

heyyy, i could relate to it when you mentioned "indecisiveness" and i had a nostalgia when i was unable to choose between psy and eco and life happens in between somewhere and i enter the psych world,,,, well well well , i'm grateful:)

Smrithi.S December 13, 2020 8:55 pm

Stay strong and listen to your heart!

Kirtika Tiwari December 13, 2020 9:21 pm

Thank you for sharing your experience. Even I loved the subject when I took it up, it seems to be the same for you so it's great. Hope you are able to achieve your goal.

vrinda tuteja December 13, 2020 9:48 pm

hey. i am at the same cross roads as you are. all i want for you is to keep doing all the things you love and not let the outcome of your future haunt you. take care. sending you love!!


8 Answers

Hey man! I hope you're doing great. It's okay to feel indecisive sometimes, it's alright to get confused. Just believe in yourself and you can do this. As long as you feel like you are growing, even if it's a little growth, you are improving! Just look at your old self and acknowledge all things that you've improved, you should be proud of yourself!


Hey Allean! Everyone has dilemmas and it's totally fine that you get confused.  It happens so that I am confused with what I should take up in college since my last year in school is almost coming to an end. I am from India and here there is not much scope for Psychology and even though I have great interest in this subject I have been told to do something that will bring stability to my life and also be a backup if I fail in one part of my career.  Right now I am having a hard time making a decision myself and would love if someone could give an insight. So what I can suggest you that be confident in yourself and do what your heart says because I am thinking to do the same. You have a great future and you know that!  


Thank you soo much for.sharing your experience with us.All the best for your future


You went through it, fought for youself. You're such a strong person. In India, we can be of whatever age but we still cannot take decisions for ourselves. Our decisions are always guided by our family members. You decided what it right for you and went for it. I hope you excel in whatever you want to do.


Hey, it's such an expressive post. It's truly appriciative worthy that you've done so much in your school years.

It must be tough trying to select something to commit to.. Tip. Take in the factors of interest, scope and salary and see which option weights the most.. Maybe that would help!

10 years later what would you like your self to be? 


Im so happy you got over your decisiveness!! so happy for youu


Heyy. I am so happy for you that you got over your dilemma.  And I am also very hopeful that seeing you opening up about goong through your ups and downs other people would also open up and not shy away when being confronted from the sifficulties in yheir way and choose the easy way out. 

Thanks thos also gives me courage to come out and talk about my problems . Kudos to you💕


@aleyan Dilemma can be really tough to deal with. Although you handled it very well, I'm impressed. I wish you luck! ^.^ 
