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As a teenager/adult, how do you feel about it....

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As a teenager/adult, how do you feel about it when others tell you to 'think positive', 'rationale your thoughts', 'don't overthink', even when you know that it is not permanent!?

Parvathy M March 18, 2021 11:05 am

These are usually examples of forced/toxic positivity and I personally think that such phrases only make people feel like the other is disregarding or brushing away what they're going through. When a person is overthinking or going through troubled times, it's not as if they want to go through it - so it makes absolutely no sense for others to discredit their emotions by telling them to think positive and not overthink when they would've probably done that if they could. Instead of doing so, it's important that others be supportive, non judgemental and accepting, at the same time not enable these thoughts.

Thinking positively isn't going to solve anything; for example, if a person is going through a tough time at home and they're expressing their feelings to a friend and their friend shuts then down with a simple "just be positive" - it's basically like a slap in the face. Emotions are meant to be felt, and not just "positive" emotions, we need to learn how to cope and deal with so called "negative" emotions too, and if people shove down positivity down others' throats, it's just detrimental to their mental health.

When I'm overthinking, I'm aware that I'm overthinking - I need someone to get me out of that loop that's going on in my head, need somebody to help me get out of my head, I don't need somebody to tell me that I should stop overthinking and think positively instead - that's the most unhelpful and the fastest way to make me even more upset. There's a way to tell people that sometimes their thoughts are insecurity driven and not reality driven, but none of these above phrases are the way to go through it. 

Aryan gupta March 18, 2021 11:33 am

I think it feels very encouraging because as we know every think is temporary no matter what. So we should accept and respect every phase of our life. Obviously there are some moments which make us very worried or tensed and we know that this will end soon but still we get depressed or take anxiety cause its a human tendency and in such situations others person thought or what they say to us matter a lot. So it's very good to hear such things of being positive. 

Megha Sarma March 18, 2021 12:10 pm

I honestly don't like when people say that. It's not like we are feeling negative purposely. The feeling is not controlled by us. We obviously want to and try to feel positive but in that moment it's really hard. But from their perspective I get it because all they can do is tell us positive things and try to make us feel good. So from their perspective it is understandable but for us who are going through it, it can get annoying. 

Aleesha Joykutty March 18, 2021 12:16 pm

Teenage is an age where things are evolving. Our body ,mind & soul undergoes a drastic change. So some many have the 'changes' soon , while others may have it later. This leads to discrimination by the society. " She's tooo tall for her age", " She's too fat" etc etc. Our mind too undergoes a flood of emotions. Mood swings starts to appear.

Yamini March 18, 2021 2:22 pm

To be honest, in spite of being a psychology student, I feel like they don't understand me. They all think that all my problems are irrelevant just because I am a teenager. I do know that I may be misled because of the anger and agitated by the circumstance to think that they won't get me no matter how many times I explain what is bothering me. 

But, in reality, it depends on the circumstances on which such advice is given. If it includes something that I am obsessed with or overly sensitive over I might misunderstand the intention behind such advice. If the circumstance is such that it is making me demotivated or sad, I might listen to it, as I might be wishing to get out of that issue. 

There are no same problems for everyone. Everyone has their own way to cope with stress and their own way to expect the solution/outcome. Hence, As adolescence is a phase where there are many changes going on in an individual's life, it is necessary to understand and carefully put forth such advice. We teenagers should also try to accept this advice and attempt to try to settle as much as possible.

Divya Chopade March 18, 2021 3:00 pm

Sometimes when ppl tell me not to overthink or rationalize your thoughts, I get irritated it's the last thing I want to hear .. because if I can control it wouldn't have I done it already. It's really out of my control sometimes to get myself out from those loops. Contrastingly , there are even times where I feel good to know that there is someone who is trying to help me through this. But the actually thing is me helping myself taking a step to overcome it all . At times it's the hardest , istay in the loop for even days & months. But the only fact that someone is there with me , trying to help me also makes me feel better the other days .

Ananya March 18, 2021 4:59 pm

With experiences of being in such situations, my feeling and reactions towards it has changed. Earlier, as a teenager I used to be annoyed or disappointed thinking nobody even listens to the issue before commenting or forcefully advising. This is toxic. However my reactions to it has changed overtime but the fact that this toxic positivity coming from people remains the same. I don't react, answer and sometimes I don't even try to explain. 

While giving advices,one might think that they are helping. But that's not always the case. One must seek for the situation an individual is and how one's advices might affect them.  

I personally feel that there's some kind of disregard for my struggles or problems when someone just bluntly replies with such advises. Thinking positivity MIGHT help but it definitely won't solve problems.

If you practically think about it, can you think positive when you are freaking out about your situation? I personally can't. It takes me time and sometimes someone's help to calm myself down ; not some advice like "calm down" and magically I'm not panicking anymore.

I've always preferred someone's positive actions rather some general blunt advices that shuns me out.

Anahita Sharma March 18, 2021 6:02 pm

I feel like these statements are classic examples of toxic positivity. Toxic positivity is something that hinders people from processing their negative emotions, and encourages them to push them down and not acknowledge them. This is something that is very common especially in Asian and Indian societies, where people encourage everyone to "not think about it" or "move on", which leads to suppression of a lot of emotions. And unfortunately, this constant suppression of negative emotions leads to the manifestation of a number of mental health issues. 

It is obvious that these negatve emotions are unwanted, and the ultimate goal for everyone is to "not think about it" or "move on". However, that is not the first step towards healing, that is in fact the last step. The first step is to acknowledge those negative feelings, talk about them, understand them, and work through them. It's a long and continuous process, that takes time, but ultimately lesds to healing.

Hence, naturally, when these statements are said to me, and they often are, I feel guilty for having these feelings, for feeling down, although its totally human to feel so. It disregards my struggles and feelings, and forces me to suppress my emotions so I can seem happy or be strong so as to not worry other people. Thus, we should strive towards encouraging people to acknowledge their feelings, work through them, and strive for healing during the process. 

Taniya Singh March 18, 2021 6:40 pm

There is always a difference between what two people perceive about an object. In the same way it is always different when it come to problems, the circumstances and how one deal with it. The same way start to think positive or distract yourself suggestions are of no use to some people and it might be of some help to others. I think rather than just saying someone to think positive, few steps need to be taken care of before hand. 

First, the person should listen to entire problem/issue. Then they should try to analyze or may be give some insight to the other person regarding what part the thought process need to be changed. Along with thinking positive certain ways of how to do that would might help more. 

The person who knows that they are overthinking might just better need to engage themselves in activities which might distract them. People will say what they want to say. It again depends on how much worth or value we want to give to those suggestions. 

Kaviya March 18, 2021 8:18 pm

As a teenager, I feel a bit irritated at the moment they say those "i-know-everything" words because it is a matter of fact that even though they have passed the phase of adolescence themselves, they can't exactly understand the actual concerns of the teenagers as the generation changes, the individual perspective changes. We may exclude the experts in the field such as counsellors & psychologists since they may understand it. But the closest surrounding without enough knowledge in psychology tends to insist on their perception & beliefs on the younger generation including parents. At the end of the day, I feel like whatever they say, they have the right to speak their beliefs, likewise, it's my right to select what I shall consider. 


Thank you😁

Mansi Mundhra March 18, 2021 9:02 pm

Teenage is a challenging phase of life wherein many social, emotional, cognitive and biological changes take place. It’s famous for its “identity crisis”, since the individual is no more a child and yet to reach their adulthood. Even for adults, it’s not simple to be positive everytime. Positive outlook enables us to be hopeful about the future, analyse the situation from other’s perspective and take decisions accordingly. Positive mindset keeps our body and mind fresh and active. It enables us to think rationally. Rationalising one’s thoughts enables us to have a lesser biased approach towards everything and everyone, and hence validate our thoughts based on our experiences and facts. We’re able to accept others and oneself without any second thoughts. Overthinking is like a reflex action, it’s not in our control. But we can definitely reduce it by being positive and rationalising our thoughts.

Nothing is permanent in this world, except the change itself. So we can’t expect oneself or others to be happy all the time. But yes, we can keep reminding oneself and others to be positive, think rationally and reduce overthinking. This would promote healthy and happy life.

Vaishnavi S March 18, 2021 9:49 pm

Many people give many advices, but they forget to say how to adopt it in life. Practically it is difficult to think positive during negative situations. And as a teenager it is sometimes difficult to rationale the thoughts. Teenage life in colorful because of irrelevant and fantasy thoughts and some negative situations. By thinking negative we will learn and get to know the value of positive thinking. Teenage is a transitional stage. Physically, mentally and emotionally we develop a lot. At this stage thinking pattern changes and in this stage teenagers will themselves learn the way to think. It is good to teach them the way to think only when teenagers tend to bend towards negativity. 

Reema Adhikary March 18, 2021 10:40 pm

Overthinking, irrational thoughts or a negative approach towards anything is a possible result of emotions we have been cultivating within ourselves or a reaction towards the actions happening around us. Both ways, to minimise the sufferings, we need to take responsibilities of our own thoughts that we believe to have a negative impact on our mental health. So, for me if someone is suggesting the exact same thing everyday, whether it's, "think positive" or "rationale your thoughts" or " don't overthink", then, I would always consider that important even if it's way more difficult than it seems to be. Even if I lose myself, and know to try everyday isn't enough! I know for a fact (from my experiences), anyone in this entire world would always consider " positive psychology" as an important aspect to overcome certain mental health issues or hardships. I think we should take it as a sign, that such advices or motivation, could possibly help us getting better in life, to have a better headspace and peace of mind. The way we cultivate our thoughts, shows an implacable repercussion to our behaviour and reactions, the way we see this entire world and humanity. It affects our social interactions and even personal. Self hatred or continuous self harm by completely ignoring the positive side of it leads to even more weirdness and pain.

And I always say this,"If we feel like, we're in hell,we should keep walking through pebbles unless we know we've reached heaven (peace)". Also, I respect people who genuinely care and shows concern just to make us a better person,to evolve into something beautiful! And I know,no matter how dark it seems, there will be a ray of light waiting for you to open up the window! 

I will always appreciate real emotions and their real self. I will always have a sense of compassion and love for them.

Thank you!

Tanu March 18, 2021 11:59 pm

Honestly it will make me angry at first , because it's my stubbornness who wants to feel in that way. I know the feelings are not permanent and they will go away but let me just feel them , understand them and learn on my own. As a teenager I won't like if I am being told what to do sometimes. I'll be rebellious and do the opposite. I think it's more of like you don't want to be taught by others ,you just want to learn on your own and I think that makes the difference. 

Obviously whatever the other person is suggesting might not be wrong but at that situation I just don't want to hear it. 

I think my reaction will also depend who is telling and what are the circumstances at that point. 

32 Answers

In my opinion, it is high time people quit giving such blunt advice and begin to give constructive guidance to the person struggling with such mental health issues. As teenagers, we all are indeed aware of the do's and dont's in life, especially when it comes to our mental health. We know that positivity is a crucial factor to move on, that our thoughts play an eminent role in how we feel and behave and rationalizing them is very much needed and how much overthinking can adversely affect us and how these feelings or emotions won't last much longer. And when we muster up the courage to express what we truly feel, I think it's just not the right time for curt statements asking us to stick to such idealistic beliefs, not especially when we badly need some help, handling all that's going at the moment. And most of the times, we need someone to just hear out our troubles and acknowledge them to be real and not fix them. And simple suggestions like gently asking the person if he/she wants to go for a stroll or such simple guidance can go a long way. Asking to pretend to be happy or positive in such situations just adds fuel to the burning fire of agony within. It can also lead to self-blaming, hopelessness and so much more that can be avoided if there was an empathetic approach in the first place.


Myself as an adult, I personally sometimes really get annoyed and pissed when others tell me to stop overthinking due to whatever I have faced. 

Since we all know, even the person who is experiencing it knows that whatever they are facing is not permanent its just a small mental breakdown, or a small glitch in their system. All we need at that time is some practical solutions or practical advice to overcome what we are thinking and nonetheless.

We are matured enough, and can very much understand things and the way we feel varies from person to person and how they manage it and everybody has thier own threshold and each one of us have our own way of handling things.

So it would be wise of us to simply not go and advice people to stop overthinking and start thinking rationally. Rather we should be able to talk about rather practical things which woud otherwise help and help us cope with things better rather than making us feel more low key.


Teenage is such a crazy lifetime period. We don't actually understand what all feelings are going through our mind. It is a time period through which we go through lot of mental pressure. 

I as a teenager had gone through a lot of mental pressure. When I was studying in my class 10, I don't know there was a scary feeling in my mind for everything. I don't know how to explain that condition. Whenever I woke up in mornings I would woke up with a fear in my mind. I cried a lot during that time of my life. I didn't told that condition of mine to anyone because I didn't know how I explain that situation. Finally without saying any word my mother realized my condition and took me to a psychologist. 

  After consulting that psychologist she make up me from that hesitating condition. In my life am really great ful for that psychologist and my parents who were my constant supporters. 

See teenage is such a age period that lots hormonal change occur in our body. We may not realize about it but our body and mind will show it. Troubles during that time is common but don't feel bad or fear to tell your feelings or problems to someone. Don't overthink about your  mind or body problem because that quite comment and natural during teenage period. Try to bring the best version of you. Overcome all the problems, because nothing is impossible in life. 


As a psychology student, showing and understanding emotions are something very important to me. People sometimes tend to hide their emotions thinking it is weak to show emotions. This is definitely toxic. Hiding your emotions and faking positivity is toxic. It is human to feel emotions, both good and bad.

As a teenager I am more often stressed regarding my studies, relationship problems, financial status etc. The most irritating part is when people tell you what to do. Instead of actually helping us out and giving us solutions, they just spread the words of positivity around us. They make us feel that showing sadness is something that should not be done. Being rationale does not mean that you should be happy all the time. You should recognise your emotions. One should know why they are feeling low. Understanding your emotion and realising that it is not permanent is one of the most important ways to cope with it.

Overthinking is another issue that we as teenagers face these days. It is really disappointing to see how people perceive them as issues that are less important. We could often see in social media posts how people have turned all these in to a joke. This is not cool. Also over thinking is not something that can be stopped easily. Mostly when I am over thinking, I am aware that I am over thinking, but is difficult for me to stop it. It is not easy as it feels. So instead of just telling people to stop overthinking, it would be really helpful if you could actually try to understand why they are overthinking.


With increased awareness about the importance of mental health, especially among the youth, there is a rising trend of toxic positivity. This could be the outcome of people making statements based on incomplete information and/or knowledge. Preaching about things one might fully understand could be even more dangerous than remaining silent. Although in a time of stress or emotional turmoil, it is important to step back from the situation to collect one's thoughts and rationally process the situation without getting overwhelmed by emotions before one takes appropriate action, it is also important to understand comments like "think positive" or "don't overthink" may make the individual feel guilty for emotions they felt in that moment. It could almost be considered as a form of shaming for expressing their frustration and may result in people masking their true feelings. People often brushing off, minimizing others' experiences, or dismissing their emotional turmoil may worsen their internal distress. Unrealistic Optimism by itself is an avoidant strategy that invalidates others' discomforts. Instead, acknowledging someone's distress, helping them avoid suppressing their emotions. Replacing phrases like "think positive" or "it could have been worse" with phrases like " I am in pain but that's okay. I am allowed to be hurt and still hope that I grow from this difficult experience as a stronger better person", could be more beneficial. 


Adolescence, as defined by Stanley Hall is a period of stress and storm where most individuals generally express themselves as an emotional volcano. These changes can be attributed to the inability to regulate emotions, adverse life events and conflict between present self, ideal self and societal expectations. 

My Experience

During this phase, I was a pessimist with a deteriorating self-esteem. I often felt stuck in a black void. In these times, my parents found my behavior to be foolish, "there's nothing to be unhappy about, be positive." In accordance to their expectation, I could not gather the will to just 'think positive and be rational'. I knew what I felt was real but as I grew to believe them, I thought I was blowing things out of proportion but I still couldn't 'snap out of it'. In present times- 5 years later- I do not voice out my thoughts as I sub-consciously believe the advice I received. I think that it will 'soon pass and that I need to be rationale without overthinking the situation.' This thinking is toxic, specially if the issue at hand is beyond individual control. Do not wait for things to get bad, talk about it to the right person. 

In a lesser situation when I am filled with rage or embarrassment, I often feel like I do not need their comments as those do nothing to make me feel better. Constructive feedback and tips to regulate the anxiety or mere comfort when angry or upset would be appreciated and beneficial. 



In today's world, there is a new trend. This trend is of thinking and speaking positive all the time. This trend is being followed by many adults and many pseudo-psychologists. I feel that this trend has taken a wrong way. The supporters of this trend give a reason that by thinking positive all the time, we will be positive and there will not be any problem. I find it amusing to see that these people get angry or can even start a fight to defend their views. Thinking positive all the time would include being or thinking something that we are not. It will eventually lead us to a path where one would be lost. People constantly say that don't overthink. But most of them do not understand the reason behind it. They want people to go on "auto-pilot" mode and not take control of our own lives.
As a teenager, whenever someone tells me to think positive or not to overthink, I give them situations and ask for them about what should be ideally done and what is practically possible. Thinking positive, rationaling thoughts, or not ovethinking comes in the idealistic manner. And opposite of these comes in the practical manner. I feel like others are striving so hard to live in the idealistic world, that they are forgetting the practical or real world. This will lead them to nowhere. They would just be following the preachers who will loot their money. Thinking positive all the time would mean that we would be too optimistic in our life. It will not even help us in preparing for the worst possible situation. And this may lead to failure. Thinking positive would all mean that we will not notice the bad things happening around us. I read it " We will not be able to clear the garbage unless we notice it's presence ". Thus having some negative thoughts would also help to get the better of us. Rationaling thoughts is a good option, and it's s good way to deal with the situation. But we tend to forget that in the heat of the moment, it may be difficult to even think about something else. I would also like to say that these thoughts are temporary. And sometimes, it may allow us to do our best. It is true that we should not overthink. But it should also be noted that in some situations, overthinking may be inevitable. It may also help us in preparing for the worst. But yes, I would not disagree on the part that we should not overthink. My only concern is that others should tell us to acknowledge the feelings and try working on it step by step. Or help us work on it. Instead of just telling not to overthink or staying positive.
Just saying that think positive or don't overthink feels like they genuinely do not care about the individual. Rather, they are just expected to say it out of formality. Those who care will actually talk about acknowledging the feelings and would be with us. People should also remember the fact that these thoughts are temporary and they go away soon. The only possible way to stop or control this new trend is to educate people about what actually happens in many situations and how should one provide support to other person.
Thank you.
This post was modified 4 years ago by OMKAR KATE

This question is very subjective. It depends a lot on the individual's personality, the situation and the duration of experience.

Some people might feel that as a push in the right direction and try and rationalise their thoughts or realise they are overthinking and try and put a stop to it or so on while there might be others who get annoyed by such or add it up to their already messed up thought process and feel worse. 

The situation might seemingly be in control but the individual might be catastrophizing it. In such scenarios, "think of what not can happen" or "take a deep breath and think rationally" and such can bring a positive push that might help them realise how little power the situation actually holds over them. But saying such in a situation that actually needs thought and efforts might backfire.

Saying someone to break out of it right after some incident occurred or just within a short duration of something negative might actually not let them feel their emotion well or purge it out. They need to cry or be gloomy or binge eat or watch some shows and be unproductive for a while and do things they please or makes no sense sometimes. Pushing them out of their loop at that very moment can cause conflicts and troubles within but at the same time, if they have been stuck in that loop for a long time or there seems to be some loop that is being too toxic for them, a little push, some straightforward words like "snap out of it, this is hightime" might make them realise and turn their ways. 

Again, all of this is very subjective and no matter what, one should never freely use any positive, negative or neutral words towards someone who is in a stressful situation or state of mind. One should analyse the individual as well as the situation before saying anything as words carry a certain weight. Usually it is safe, however, to be by them, give them a shoulder and caring for them so they know you are there for them. 


I might be someone who comes to my right mind when someone asks me to think rationally or snap out of it or stop overthinking, you might be not. As harmful as toxic positivity which is on the rise is, positivity in general is not harmful and is vital. Feel what you must, but do not dwell in there. Sometimes, a push is necessary. 


I get irritated and really upset when someone tells me to always think positive and not to overthink without understanding my actual problem about what I'm going through and what I feel. It's easy for people to say such things but, overthinking, depression is not a joke that shit eats us from inside. 

People should understand that such problems are normal and their is  not our fault in it.



Negativity,etc are real problems.



Teen-agers - people in their teens, who truly sits on the roller coaster of their lives. 

It's that age group where one hits with the reality of life and experiences enormous changes in their lives starting from biological, emotional, social and many more.


Some of the major problems which they face are peer pressure, sibling rivalry, academic pressure, some of them also involves themselves in drugs and stuff.

And talking about such statements, everyone knows that the situation isn't permanent but everyone have different threshold to deal with situation and thus it varies. 

Talking about my experience so when someone says or uses such statements I understand that that is what they can say in certain situations andd that's okay and I deal with it with trying not to react much and focusing more on how to deal and overcome that particular situation.

More or less teens need guidance as at this age they very first-time encounter to the outer world.


It varies from people to people. It's not something concrete and depends on the situation a person is in, his/her personality and the perspective they hold towards the stimulus that's causing them such stress. 

If I were to talk about myself, the same applies, sometimes I realize that I'm fretting for nothing because I am an anxious person and hence overthink even the smallest of things. But sometimes, people telling me to reason things out, or to stop overthinking works as an inhibitor to my overly hyperactive brain, helps me to take a break and maybe get out of obsessing over things. 

But sometimes I feel overthinking something helps me to be more cautious about stuff and I get a chance to think of a problem and it's solution from every angle and once the problem is solved or over with, I feel a very great sense of relief which at the time feels worth it. But I do realise that doing such often or in a continuous manner isn't good for my health and I should try and control it. 

I don't really get offended when people ask me to stop overthinking or be rational because i know I have such tendencies and I'm actually grateful to them for trying to help me in a way, not mattering whether they say it because they're frustrated from my behavior or they're just caring for me. 


I think these statements are something that people from all generations would find annoying, especially when they are young adults/teenagers.

As a young adult/teenagers we are often told to think and act like adults but when we do so they tell we don't know anything and that we are still children.

Being told to think positively especially if it is all the time, is very bad for the individual. Toxic positivity does more harm than good.
And I think people tell us not to overthink, they often forget it is their constant criticism over everything we do that makes us overthink so much

In the end they should realize that we are people with complex emotions who are going through many biological, hormonal, emotional and psychological changes and being told to think positive, not to overthink and to rationalize our thoughts isn't a solutions to our problems.


this things really dont work ,like obviously if the person can really stop over thinking or positively then he will do so , and believe me like in our house if some gadgets stop working , before asking help we try to fix it by our own , in that way people try to fix their problems also but when they failed to do so or get frustrated then seek help. and this phrases are really discouraging , it feels like they are really not bothered . 

rather of saying this things , if people try to be more empathetical , try to question themselves what if i faced the same , what will i do ? will i do the same that am advising now! or something different , what are the ways to solve the situation.  this might help them, cause it will create a better understanding between both . 🌻 

it was my personal opinion , obviously it varies person to person . this phrases may work well for some 👍 


Truth to be told we all have said these words once or more to ourselves or to others without really understanding the weight age these words carry and I don't mean to say it in a negative or disrespectful way because we also need to understand that due to the lack of knowledge about mental health and how to help or respond to someone going through tough times these words can be the only things we think are right to say. We want to be there for people and people be there for us but we can't magically expect them to say the things we want to hear. Often times listening to the above sentences whenever I am struggling I feel unheard and misunderstood or that my feelings are being underplayed and that hurts. People that care for us wants to make things so right for us that they tell us to be positive and not to overthink as these are the things told to them, these are the things they heard in the media or other platforms and they think these might be the right solutions to problems. It annoying and tiring to hear these words again and again from different people and also our own mind but we need to understand that it's not anyone's fault that these words are thrown so easily in every conversation. The lack of education and the destructive ways of swallowing whatever the media influencers or trends of positivity wants us to have might be the actual reason that these words are so easily used. So for me whenever I hear these words I do get annoyed but give the other person benefit of doubt and let the person know what I want to hear or what might be better to say instead of just stay positive and if after that they choose to learn and understand good for all and if not then you know that this person is not someone who I can share my feelings with. It hurts but it's all about process of learning and making people understand and moving on


I honestly hate that feeling of having someone tell me to "think positively" ,"don't think negatively", "be happy", "don't be sad". 

I know that i have to stay positive, but telling me or just listening to me will make me feel much better. 

I won't become happy if you just ask me to be happy, rather things like you making an effort to be there for me, listening to me or even asking me to seek help is a great help. 

People think such lines of reassurance is helpful but it actually does more harm than good. 


Over thinking, day dreaming, making up almost false scenarios in one’s head has become more of a trait of teenagers in today’s era. It all normal only until it persists into adulthood.

As mentioned by David Elkind (American Psychologist), young adults become extremely self-conscious. They begin to feel that everybody else is thinking about the same think that they are thinking- themselves. As Elkind proposed, teenagers think with an imaginary audience in mind, an observer that exists only in the person’s head, believed to be as concerned with the behavior of the adolescent, as much as the adolescent themselves are. Therefore, this majorly leads to over thinking, stress and anxiety. As one always tries to fit in, they are confused, about their appearance, their company and whether they will be accepted by peers.

‘Think positive’, rationale your thoughts’, ‘don’t over think’ are nothing but phrases that give little to no comfort to the person in question. Suggestions are of no help. An over thinking individual knows that the solution is to stop over thinking, but the question is how? How does one stop having negative thoughts? How does one begin to think rationally? This is possible only when the individual themselves are able to bring about a change in perspective from within.  Simply the advice of “don’t think that way” would do no good as it is nothing but sympathy or consolation.


As an adult, I feel like the idea of positivity not being permanent is flawed. We can be as positive as we want to be. Each positive thought and negative thought of our life is something that we always have control over. A wise man named Daisaku Ikeda says, “Master your mind, don’t let your mind master you”. I feel that this lesson is very important to remember in our lives. If are able o master our mind, no amount of negativity can get to us. The idea of toxic positive is definitely not right but it depends on how we take it. If we are able to set realistic expectations for our own selves, then there is no scope for anyone else to give us toxic positivity. 


Asking a person to be happy or positive can be considered as forced care. As a teen, I think it can make one even more depressed.  

Nowadays we see a lot of influencers who have no proper psychology education spreading there ideas by saying be happy and stop overthinking. We need to realise that overthinking isn't something people can control. A lot of people don't even have any idea that they are overthinkers. It can be considered as if a person is sad, you ask them to stop being sad. No-one really can appreciate it . Even psychology talks about how it's better to vent out your emotions rather then keeping them inside. Hiding emotions can lead to an even higher increase in it, which can become even more unhealthy for our mental health.

Rather then asking a person to stop or start doing something. We can actually ask them if they need our help. Show that you are willing to listen to their problems. Show that you care or even if they want some space give them that space! We never know what the other person is going through and therefore just like the general rule, rather then imposing your care on them, ask them if they really want it. Sometimes a silent companion is also very much appreciated by a person in problem.


It's overwhelming sometimes when they say stay positive or stop overthinking. I know i have to do this but right at that time i don't have that energy to think positive or stop overthinking. Overthinking is not in my hand yeah only at that time when i am overthinking .but when they are using these lines, I don't bother because at that time i am busy overthinking. I do what i want to and yes if i feel like it is affecting my mental health i take I don't share my things with the who use these line instead i share with them who will give me advice or listen to me without saying "heyyyy stay positive,stop overthinking"


Forced positivity or rather rather toxic positivity is one of the lethal concepts introduced by the society. 

Society needs to learn that feelings need not to be controlled but rather they need to flow and let it out even though negative, sometime. That's the only way to make it positive. 

You cannot stop overthinking within a snap of time. It takes patience, calmness and control and time to control your overthinking. And imploding these forces positivity is not the way it is done.

Let it out. let it flow. Don't force your sadness and don't force happiness. It's a natural feeling and a natural process and that's what makes you a human and i think humans should cherish being humans.


It's very common for all people to tell us to think positively,rationale your thoughts', 'don't overthink،as well as various other things when this is not enough, and it can only make us feel for a moment that they are right, but it can be later.It can have negative effects because they tell us what to do, but they never tell us how to do it.It may cause feelings of helplessness, low self-esteem, and perhaps some problems, and it may cause us to take these sentences and theories in a positive light and motivate us to try harder.



At first it's very disturbing to hear when someone says it and especially when it is from our closed ones. At few times I have thought it as toxic positivity. Not just that, nobody says the word I understand when we think and I was aware that I didn't over think. Yet my friends and my parents at times tell me I overthink. Later on I started to ignore it because not everyone is empathetic. So when someone says that to me, I take in whats their perspective. I understand how they look out things and I don't get bothered by it. I started introspecting myself and I found the answers to my questions. It's all in the self. It's our thoughts and feelings and when you are aware of it then you will start to consider the course of action that needs to be implemented.


I think that "thinking positively" isn't something that comes in our thought process and behavior when someone instructs us to do it; rather it is something that comes when we are motivated to do it and through consciously practicing it. Many people around us often try and teach us to "be positive" especially when we are disturbed which makes me feel even more disturbed and agitated. Also, the people who give such advice don't necessarily follow it.

When it is said that we have to "think rationally" then do people actually mean it because many people usually confuse practical thinking with rational thinking. As a young adult, I feel that when people ask us to be rational do they actually think rationally? No, because it is them, our seniors whom we observe and act. Hence, I feel that it is actually them who make us think or motivate us to be emotional rather than being rational. 

"Overthinking" usually occurs as a reaction to some situation or the then state of mind, so people when suggesting not to overthink have themselves been in this situation many times. And as young adults we many a time consider certain issues to be very serious which might not be the case actually and in such situation suggestion from our elders is very obvious and is quite relevant. But this doesn't justify the action of many such people who might just give some suggestion without understanding and looking towards our state.

I feel that the stage of life- "adolescence" is such where there are many changes happening physically, along with it there is exposure towards actual life problems which wasn't known in the earlier life. There are also many societal and family norms compelling us to be have and act in a certain way, all of which in total affects our thought process.


In my opinion, it makes a teenager feel like something is wrong with them and its the start when one starts brushing away their feelings and thought. They prefer to suffer in silence rather than to open up about it as the comments like stop overthinking, someone has it harder just makes them feel more pathetic about it. Other people fail to understand that it's not in their own control and they are not doing it intentionally.

Toxic positivity is a thing that is so much prevalent in our society nowadays, everyone just showcases their success and victories but no one shows the failure. It is not a rainbow all the time and we need to accept that fact.

One thing which I want to say about this is only one who is actually going through mental health issues can understand how severe they can be and how one can lose control over himself if professional help is not sought at the right time and these comments from people make the situation worse.


As a teenager i don't listen to those people who will ask us to be strong, think positive, i just nod my head infront of them because they can never know what a teenager is going through. Old ladies will always says this “I have been in your age so i know what you are going through” i get very angry after listening to this. But sometimes i have regretted not listening to them, sometimes elders must be right. It is difficult for a teenager to think positive in a situation where he/she will only have negative thoughts but we should accept that those negative thoughts will never be permanent.


I would have 2 different answers for both phases as teenage and adulthood the level of maturity and experience. therefore the response in both stages will be extremely different.

As a teen- not having as much experience, i would probably react irrationally and not listen to what others say. i would rant and ignore all the advice and probably be little annoyed with taking things easily. 

As an adult- I would be more mature and experienced in the adult phase and will respect views more and take things lightly. i will consider the advices and respect the different point of views.


This is a very subject question in light of how the individual perceives, the core belief and values of that particular individual. Moreover, some amount of stress is good (eustress) but excess forms cortisol in human brain which is harmful to the human mind. When people say "think positively" ,"dont be sad" , etc. they are trying to help i feel, its not like "topic positivity" but a support to help or desentasize the situation. the human brain has the tendency where when an individual enacts to be happy the brain releases the hormones which will help the individual to be happy. Therefore maybe when people say think positive , or be happy.. the mind will listen to the ques and respond accordingly.

I feel its all good when people advice, no harm in telling someone to be  happy or be positive. Nothing toxic in that. 
🙂 bye! 



I think it can be both irritating and encouraging. One can only control their thoughts to a certain extent. So telling someone to “think positive” or “think rationally” isn’t really gonna help that person.  Moreover, it’s really important to deal with our emotions even if it’s negative sometimes. Quite often, the way we feel about a situation comes from our perception of it. Often that perception is right, but sometimes it isn't.
So instead of asking someone to think in a certain way, we should tell them why it’s important to do so and how one must do it.However, we cannot deny the power of thinking positively because often we are overly harsh and unjust to ourselves, in a way that we would never be with friends or team members. This, along with other negative thinking, can cause intense stress and unhappiness, and can severely undermine our self-confidence.


It's frustrating to be honest but it has become a part of our lives. There are many people who think that it's their right to interfere in other people's business. This statement is since open for interpretation I feel that it depends upon the intention of the other person. Like for example if my parents or my clise friends ask me to 'think positive' Or tell me not to overthink, that will only be for my own good. They will use these statements when they will help me out and understand my situation. They will try to motivate me. 


On the other hand, there can be people who don't understand my situation and would just randomly pass these comments just for the sake of talking. Their comments sometimes affect me. They view me from a third person's perspective so I would perceive their opinion as a general opinion of other people about me. This hurts sometimes. These comments can make you feel that there is something that you are doing which is wrong. In reality that's actually not the case. Teenagers go through a tough phase as well which is generally overlooked by adults, because they have either passed it with flying colors or have forgotten what they had to face as a teenager. 


Teenage is when you are expected to behave like an adult but at the same time treated like a small child. Elders tell you that your marks define your success and future. In such cases when a teenager fails to achieve something he labels himself as a loser. He starts doubting his own capabilities. And with this, everyone finds a chance to poke him with his insecurities and failures. When there is no one to help him out of his tough times, he breaks down. And then these people only ask him to 'think positive' which is insane. Children are conditioned by adults in a certain way and then they decide to change it according to their own convenience. 

I did feel lost at times and these comments haunted me like anything. Why??? Why are people asking me to have rationale thoughts? Why are people asking me to not overthink. Is overthinking that bad? Is there something wrong with me? Am I becoming weird? Am I behaving like a crazy person? 

These thoughts used to start circling my mind. 


We ask for help and we don't get it and then there are people passing comments. My teenage was a confusing and difficult phase. But, as I am growing and trying to understand things and getting a larger perspective, I have started to let go. I have stopped holding things against someone and I don't let other people's thoughts about me affect me to a large extent. I try to help myself and I have started to sought things at the very moment instead of keeping things for later.


 Today If people ask me to 'not overthink', I would randomly say 'Tomatoes should be purple'. It just gives me pleasure because since what that person says stands meaningless for me I should definitely say something meaningless. I do this very often because apparently I come across more people who are more interested in knowing and commenting on my life. 


All we can learn from this is that we need to be more considerate towards other people's feelings. Since we know how it feels, we should be good listerners and be there for people who call out for help and just stay there and listen. Because sometimes you don't want to talk or have a conversation, you just need to vent. If you can, please stay away from those people, whose comments affect you so much but if you can't just say some random thing and move on. 



As an adolescent, I do not appreciate it when people try to mobilize my life as per their convenience. Sometimes there is a forced need to be happy and rational to reach up to the standards of the society. When adults say any of these things, I feel they should try to understand where we are coming from, what we are going through, how we're presently feeling. There should be sensitivity and complete knowledge of a situation before these comments are made, before these heavy, meaningful words are thrown around, before unsolicited advice is given or unnecessary assumptions are made. Age does not offer people a justification for demeaning another person's demeanor or ideals on the mere basis of experience. People should use their jurisdiction wisely before hurting other people's feelings or discarding their coping mechanisms. It is important to understand that a person does not lose their rational or judging powers or do not end up overthinking on purpose. They do not lose themselves deliberately, there are innumerable factors that go into making a person transform into a certain individual, people's ways can be modified, their opinions can be widened, their purposes can be rebuilt. That is neither unnatural nor appalling. Hence, I feel this sort of toxic positivity imposing and shaming based on coping strategies should be heavily discouraged. And for the right reasons, I do not support the same.


The first thing that pops to my head when I read this is that it's easier said than done. It's very easy for someone to come up and tell not to think negative thoughts and to be more positive. But in that moment, it's sometimes extremely difficult to even understand what positive is. A person who's spiraling down into a swirl of negative thoughts isn't doing so because they want to, it's not them being irrational. It's something that is literally out of their control and giving them such empty pieces of advice is not exactly helpful. They need active help to get out of that spiral of thoughts, to even be motivated to make a change in their life towards the better. For that people need to also understand that there is nothing wrong or any shame associated with feeling sad or angry or generally just experiencing negative emotions. While experiencing it, one needs to let it ride out, and then take action to make a change. This requires immense support and help, and a mere piece of advice without any substantial support is pretty useless. Educating people about the real implications of mental illness is important because if such problems aren't dealt with earlier, they will escalate.


It's frustrating to be honest but it has become a part of our lives. There are many people who think that it's their right to interfere in other people's business. This statement is since open for interpretation I feel that it depends upon the intention of the other person. Like for example if my parents or my clise friends ask me to 'think positive' Or tell me not to overthink, that will only be for my own good. They will use these statements when they will help me out and understand my situation. They will try to motivate me. 


On the other hand, there can be people who don't understand my situation and would just randomly pass these comments just for the sake of talking. Their comments sometimes affect me. They view me from a third person's perspective so I would perceive their opinion as a general opinion of other people about me. This hurts sometimes. These comments can make you feel that there is something that you are doing which is wrong. In reality that's actually not the case. Teenagers go through a tough phase as well which is generally overlooked by adults, because they have either passed it with flying colors or have forgotten what they had to face as a teenager. 


Teenage is when you are expected to behave like an adult but at the same time treated like a small child. Elders tell you that your marks define your success and future. In such cases when a teenager fails to achieve something he labels himself as a loser. He starts doubting his own capabilities. And with this, everyone finds a chance to poke him with his insecurities and failures. When there is no one to help him out of his tough times, he breaks down. And then these people only ask him to 'think positive' which is insane. Children are conditioned by adults in a certain way and then they decide to change it according to their own convenience. 

I did feel lost at times and these comments haunted me like anything. Why??? Why are people asking me to have rationale thoughts? Why are people asking me to not overthink. Is overthinking that bad? Is there something wrong with me? Am I becoming weird? Am I behaving like a crazy person? 

These thoughts used to start circling my mind. 


We ask for help and we don't get it and then there are people passing comments. My teenage was a confusing and difficult phase. But, as I am growing and trying to understand things and getting a larger perspective, I have started to let go. I have stopped holding things against someone and I don't let other people's thoughts about me affect me to a large extent. I try to help myself and I have started to sought things at the very moment instead of keeping things for later.


 Today If people ask me to 'not overthink', I would randomly say 'Tomatoes should be purple'. It just gives me pleasure because since what that person says stands meaningless for me I should definitely say something meaningless. I do this very often because apparently I come across more people who are more interested in knowing and commenting on my life. 


All we can learn from this is that we need to be more considerate towards other people's feelings. Since we know how it feels, we should be good listerners and be there for people who call out for help and just stay there and listen. Because sometimes you don't want to talk or have a conversation, you just need to vent. If you can, please stay away from those people, whose comments affect you so much but if you can't just say some random thing and move on. 



"When people tell me think positive Kirti , you are just over-thinking, you overthink a lot." Honestly I have heard this phrase from my friends many times. Some times I feel irritated  because I know the reason behind my over-thinking and at times I am like yes you are correct maybe I am just overthinking on such a thing which shouldn't even bother me. I like those friends and those people who are always honest to me I appreciate them and they matter to me. I feel there will be numerous people out there appreciating you always but the ones who tell you when you are wrong and are always honest to you are the real gems. I do think I am an overthinker as most of the times I perceive the situation and think from the point of view others because I do care a lot about some people. I unnecessarily blame my own-self though even I am well aware of the truth in my hearts of hearts that its their fault not mine. When we don't want people to leave us, we aren't able to accept the fact that this human turned out to be like this we don't believe in ourselves. We shouldn't never do that. Overthinking is not permanent but it is not worth our time and energy because the situation or the circumstances you are in right know you never know what future unfolds for you. So I personally think do what you feel is correct. I have always lived my life with no regrets as I can carry the burden of being alone or anything but can never carry the burden of living my life with regrets. At times I react and do so much for other humans and let those overflow of emotions out honestly. I cannot imagine myself ever saying "What if I would have said this at that time". To me regrets are like the poison that can eat you alive. I do what my heart says even if it involves taking more efforts for people to bring a smile on their face. Overthinking is bad when we waste our time and energy on the things that we shouldn't give a damn about. We need to prioritize what is important to us what is not. End of the day we are the controller, master and the creator of our thoughts. We came alone and we need to take a full charge of our life. Its completely fine to not feel everyday as if you are on the cloud nine and to not always take the road or the path that the whole world is taking. 

Satisfaction is the key factor an immeasurable emotion backed by truckloads of happiness.

Don't just be alive, live your life to the fullest do what your heart says , take risks but don't allow regrets to take a place in this beautiful journey of life.

Gurleen Kaur April 10, 2021 10:12 pm

Hey I would love to feature your amazing writing on @_shades_of_khushi_ insta handle please dm

Kirti Giridhar April 10, 2021 10:18 pm
This post was modified 4 years ago by Kirti Giridhar

yes sure it means a lot. Gurleen You can add me on Linkedin 

contact me on whatsapp for the same would love to know more about you!
