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The Best person to love

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'Love yourself'

A topic that so important in today’s world, especially with the growing competition and comparison. It’s so important to learn to love oneself before anything less. In a world of billions you find million who would be jealous of you or even just not like you for no reason whatsoever. 

It's so true that we are biggest critic, but why can't we also be out biggest supporters. It'll need time and effort but once you learn to appreciate who you are, the world won't be such a worst place. 

All remember that life is like a giant ferris wheel, sometimes you'll be on the top , and them you'll have everyone with you, and then you'll be at the rock bottom as well and that's when you'll only have yourself in the deepest sense, and if you don't learn to love yourself getting back up top will be really hard. So remember you need to fight because you are worth it and there's only one you. 


Read the article below, it advocates 'love yourself' in a beautiful way.

1 Answer

The way it has been explained is so beautiful.Thank you for sharing
