- You are entitled to the action, never to its fruits
- World & we all are made up of three qualities - sattva(goodness), rajas(passion) & tamas(ignorance)
- Karma comes from word dharma(duty of each individual) -karma has its cause & effect
- There comes a peace in which sorrows end.
Bhagwad geeta is a self - actualization book, teaches us to stay detached from moh & helps live us grounded. Also teaches how mindfulness is so so important.
Frankly speaking I to have read this book took me two years I read two pages daily.. Now I'm on the verse of finishing it. ... I too have got such soul awakening stuff in it.. It is not a hindu book.. It is a self help book on how to live life.. It is for sure a best life book.
Would recommend everyone to read it & also this article summary by tanmeet kapoor