Women's Mental Heal...
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Women's Mental Health

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Why do you think that women mental health issues are less talked  about?

What would you do to change it?

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Editors
Aashna Parekh March 12, 2021 12:25 pm
This post was modified 4 years ago by Aashna Parekh

For most of us growing up in a patriarchal family, we've always been told not to make a big deal about our problems. We're told as women we should learn to comprise and become the wallflower, that the family's place in society matters more than what we feel and think about. In our society, women often have to take the supporting character role. She is supposed to prim and proper and make sure she doesn't look like she might be going through mental health issues. And if she does, she is told she is making a big deal out of nothing. 

That is why I think representation of woman in all fields and occupation matters cause only when women feel that they're being adequately represented will they feel that they can truly speak their minds and be themselves to the truest extent. 

Ishita dharwal March 12, 2021 1:00 pm

Women - a person who can give birth to more humans and has to do household work in order to maintain a good relation with everyone , and to not get backlash " this is the most common type of mentality joined with the word woman , from the very early ages and earlier times it has been spoon fed to us that girls are way mature than boys , no this isn't true , girls are mature generally and usually because you make them. You start telling them to learn household chores and work and that "they will be an advantage while we are looking for a bride for you " , the girl is always made to feel unfamiliar within her own family .

We should realise that girls are not always supposed to learn the household chores to handle her life after she is married but should know the basics for her own survival . We are made learn to be well -mannered and have to follow a certain pattern of norms to actually be the ideal girls/women of the society , we are not to be rebellious and be submissive , this is just how generally girls are expected to be . In the midst of all this we forget how that women is coping up because a women has to look after not just her job if she is working but after her family , her house and the household work that she has to do alone while listening criticisms from her children , parents , parents-in-law , society , husband . It never stops at one , there are various aspects .
The mental health issues of a woman are less talked about because it is presumed in our society that it is a part of women’s life to bear all the mental pressure that comes with her life and duties of being a mother , wife , daughter and just a human . People don’t acknowledge these enough and there isn’t much education provided on such topics to women or to others , these topics are seen to be too westernised . Women accept these societal pressure so that the society couldn’t pinpoint them , society is eager to point out things without even knowing the full story . Women are scared for their reputation within the society , as every other human being but since there has been a lineage of patriarchy , there is relaxation for men at several points which is visible .
What we can do to change this is –
1. I will try to talk with women who are surrounding me , if I can’t help the people that surround me then how could I help people whom I don’t even know , begin within your homes .
2. If I see a women (even if there is no relation between us )struggling , I will try to help her atleast in the aspects of life that I could .
3. From within my own family I will take a stand against ' a girl should know how to cook , clean ,etc.’ and be relevant by telling ' yes ,EVERYONE needs to know hot to cook , clean etc. For their own survival.
4. I would try having talks with organisations to hold out programmes where women could talk about their miseries and share them and tell us how they have tackled them and help other women .
5. We should learn to respect the women in our life , who have been surrounding us , for instance our own mothers , whom we don’t give enough respect .
6. We should respect our grandmothers despite the fact of generation gap , yes their thinking is different but it did them good in the earlier periods of this society , it doesn’t fit in this society much , but it did in the early phases .
Radhika Saini March 12, 2021 1:48 pm
This post was modified 4 years ago by Radhika Saini

The mental health of women is not given importance. I think the reason behind this is that in the earlier societies, males used to protect women and thought about their welfare but as the societies have progressed, thinking of a man too has changed but not in a progressive way. Now, we have chained women to the household thinking we are protecting her when we are actually exploiting her. This makes the society think that if we are already protecting the women that there cannot be no mental health issues & all they need is good food, gold and a luxurious life but this is so not true. Instead this makes us a restraining and non-liberating society both for the women and the men. This thinking needs to be changed and this can be changed through certain methods which will impact the society emotionally. 

1. Empower- Women of today, need just a little push & theh can be amazing leaders, athletes, dancers, singers, entrepreneurs, politicians & what not.

2. Understanding- We need to make the society understand the Psychology of women & we as a society need to understand our society that why is it so difficult for us to work under a woman. Why do we feel so mortified in this case?

3. Progressive- We need a progressive thinking which should be inculcated in us from our childhood itself so that women who pull other women back must encourage them to be the best version themselves by modernizing the upbringing & the mindset.

 If these are followed diligently by our society then no one can stop us from achieving remarkable heights.



Tanu March 12, 2021 2:11 pm
All these years women have been called with different adjectives like overemotional, impulsive, and sensitive. Women were called hysteric for feeling certain emotions. PMS [premenstrual syndrome] was added recently in DSM-V TR as a mental illness before that they all went undiagnosed because it is pretty normal for women to go through hormonal changes during their menstrual flow period. Some women experience a high level of emotions and some don’t which is alright.
I feel extremely bad all the mental health issues experienced by women are ignored because as suggested by earlier oppressed men “that’s how women biologically are built” which I completely disagree to. Post -partum depression is also ignored in case of women and in return women are held responsible for acting in a crazy way. Trust me nobody likes to be called, “crazy”, “overemotional” and “dramatic”. Every emotion a woman feel is valid and there is nothing wrong in feeling that way.
Such assumptions even make women feel that, what they are feeling and what they are expressing is quite dramatic and this results into many undiagnosed mental illnesses. Because no therapy is given at the right time and that ends into piling up of emotions.
In an Indian family, women are supposed to go through certain feelings and have to be okay with it, because they get to hear stuff like, “tu aurat hai, tujhe adat lagani padegi [you are a woman and you need to get used to it]. If our culture feels that way then, where exactly the change should start?
What would I do to change it?
1. I will create awareness about mental health in the most remote communities and possibly everywhere.
2. I will specifically explain how women suffer through specific mental illnesses and what is the solution to that.
3. I will explain through social media platforms that it is okay to feel in a certain way.
4. I will tell them, when and where they can ask for help and how they can do that.
Now this all seems very simple when I briefly type it out, but what actually we need is support from all the other aware women ,so that they can join us, tell their stories and motivate others to not be ashamed or shamed by others due to their mental illness.
Iarisa Nongbet March 12, 2021 3:38 pm

Over the years women's health was not a very popular topic, mainly because a woman's role was not regarded as significant. She was expected to carry out household responsibilities, take care of the children etc. and these tasks were seen as meagre ones that didn't require a lot of strength and endurance. Throughout the ages a man's work had always been thought of as highly stressful, as he had to bear the burden of providing for the family, which puts a lot of stress on his mental health. But little did society realise that a woman's job was no easy task either. I think in this generation women's mental health has been put on a pedestal and men's mental health has been neglected. Nowadays men are expected to put up a tough facade and go on with their daily lives with no one to keep a check on their mental well-being.
The different ways in which we can contribute to awareness about mental wellnes is to spread the word. Make it a habit to check in on friends and family, spreading awareness about mental health is critical, especially now with the popularity of social media the goal of spreading awareness can be achieved easily.

Aryan gupta March 12, 2021 4:52 pm

Most of the people think women don't face any major mental health issues. Although it's not true.

There are some common issues that women's faces and has to be talked about : 

) Wife beating

) Child abuse

) Rape

) Getting married without their own permission etc

Reema Adhikary March 12, 2021 6:48 pm

Well, it's kind of disturbing to see how most people acknowledge mental health as! As for women,it's mostly negative and weird superstitions, making it difficult to even open up a bit. Like even from my personal experiences, to the extent you can somehow exhale on social media platforms, you can't really do or say a damn thing in real! That's really disturbing, the kind of people and society we are turning into. Honestly it's scary to even talk about. Parents would react as if you have committed some sort of crime and would hide away from accepting the fact that "yes, she is ill just like any other heath problems!". But no, instead most of the parents would adress it as some sort of shame and would certainly try to suppress the truth. I think that's really negative and evil. I have heard women committing suicides due to ignorance. People don't understand how serious mental illness can be. Like any other physical symptoms, this ain't visible in most cases. So if someone is trying to communicate, we should always listen instead of booing them away! These days it's like no big deal to curse someone and call someone "attention seeker". I mean I understand social media has given you the exposure but not to misuse it. It's kind of difficult to explain everything but to be specific there's is critisism about anything you do, wear or talk about! And that affects us so deeply. To not allowed to have an opinion, to have that freedom is kind of heavy to handle things in life.

To be honest the main reason is us. The people surrounded by us. There's way too many judgements and barriers to live a life freely.

Honestly to make a change firstly people need to self awaken themselves that there is absolutely no shame in having mental health issues and it's okay to talk about it if it suffocates you for some reason. Because it's better to come out of hell than to be in there forever. And to avoid that trap,that emptiness we have to keep walking. The experiences might vary but giving up is not an option, there's a way out and it won't be visible unless we accept it and face it.

Also,I think we all need to just sit back and think for a while before reacting. Because I feel,the things that you feel is absolutely okay can be disastrous for someone else. There's nothing more beautiful in this entire world than kindness and to see people emerging from their weaknesses, and fighting their battle with a smile. We have to be more sensible. Because the way we manifest thoughts on ourselves and the people around us, the experiences we might have and the way we make others feel, reciprocate in its own form. Every action has some effects on someone's mind no matter if we do or say something unknowingly or intentionally.

Harrasment and mental abuse should have extreme strict laws to make more changes as I feel it's not that strong,our judiciary isn't that strong in India. That's why whether it's someone powerful or an ordinary person, gets so much strength to do something heinous and still never regret it like it's their privilege.

We all should speak up against anything we feel is absolutely cruel obviously with mere responsibilities and honesty.

We all expect a better society, where we can live peacefully.

Kritika Bhair March 12, 2021 7:03 pm

Women an integral part of society.
There's a lot done for this part and still, there's a lot in the process that will be done and more is required.

Why more? Because still women are facing a lot in some part, in some context and to some extent.

Talking about what is needed to be done so there's a list but maybe in the first place, one women's mental health should be considered.

Because in today's time mental health issues are more or less isn't discussed in any case be it, men or women. But women's mental health is comparatively less discussed maybe because of the persistent notion that they are meant to keep things to themselves, they are not supposed to say out loud how they feel and what they go through and maybe many more reasons.

But mental health is no joke to anyone be it men, women, adult, teenager, child or anyone out there.

Coming to the fact that what needs to be done to change this so at first place women need to speak about it, it's understood that it might be difficult but it's not that difficult, speak about it, talk to others about how you felt or you are feeling, what, when and where went wrong.
Support your friends, family members and everyone out there to speak up for things, maybe vent out in front of someone whom you trust, see a psychologist, counsellor or someone.

More or less, good mental health is important for everyone

Kaviya March 12, 2021 8:16 pm

First of all, mental health itself is a topic that is talked less about in society. So in a personal viewpoint, I would insist on saying why mental health has been talked about less instead of women's mental health being belittled. Mental health is usually ignored as some exclusive condition with someone having severe mental health issues. The perception & misconception of mental health is the major stigma around the concerns about psychological well being.


A few measures which can be implemented to modify the scenario can include:


Exposures of psychological well being to the general public.

Mental health campaigns, programs & activities. 

Starting with you I.e., educating the ones around you such as family, friends, peers, etc., can bring a tremendous change.

If each one of you (the leading generation) can realise the actuality of mental health & concerns, that would become the stones building a castle.


Thank you😀

Ananya March 12, 2021 8:58 pm

I believe it's not women's mental health that is not talked about. Mental health in general is not talked about in our country. Although there has been great changes since lockdown due to COVID-19, stigmas related to it are still prevalent. Mental by health has become a cause of concern but I believe unfortunately people in real life isn't as aware as it is on social media.

We might know a lot about women's mental through social media. But how many of us think or do anything about it when we actually get the chance to make a difference. We don't.

The problem is, we recognise and create solutions for issues over social media, spreading awareness but we forget to follow it. Spreading awareness is not the end of a solution, it's a mere beginning.

I guess once we realise this, following through the awareness about women's mental health would become a lot easier.

Aleesha Joykutty March 12, 2021 10:52 pm

Women's mental health is always taken into granted. Being the homemaker, she does take care of the household works & also the mental health of family members by enquiring about all. But she herself ignores her own mental health. Maybe none asks her . Maybe none openly talks to her. Maybe she is in constant denial consolling herself that it's just a vague feeling.

Megha Sarma March 14, 2021 11:24 am

In a society like ours mental health itself is something that is not something talked about openly as it should be and we all know the role of women is not as appreciated as it should be in India. They are undermined. Many in our society expect women to only be inside house and take care of the family.

In a country where women itself are neglected, obviously their mental health isn't given much importance either. Mental health of women is much more important if not equally as men, as they play a big role in taking care of the family. So if a woman is not mentally okay then it will affect her family as well. Not only that, they won't even be able to focus on their career or workspace. 

-Megha Sarma

Mansi Mundhra March 15, 2021 12:21 am

We all are aware of the fact that good mental health is essential topic and needs to be focused upon. But since Freud's time, it has been noticed that the mental health issues as well as concepts have been defined with respect to males. Although, nowadays, women's psychological issues and concepts are considered almost equally, but still more awareness is yet to be spread. 

We can do so by following:

1. Educating common public about psychology of men as well as women.

2. Ensuring that people are discussing the topics like sex and menstruation as freely as other topics.

3. Although the stereotypes regarding women issues and feelings have reduced, but still we've to go a long way in order to see psychological issues as physical problems.


42 Answers

Although women are considered the weaker race by the society, people always tend to believe that they cannot experience mental health issues because "they can handle it themselves". Women refrain from speaking up about their mental health issues because then they are deemed "hysterical" or "emotional" or "crazy", and these reasons are used as an excuse to remove them from positions of power that they had obtained with such difficulty while competing with their male counterparts. Moreover, women constitue the "honour" or "status" of the community she is born into. Hence, she is discouraged from speaking up about her mental health issues in order to avoid shame in the community. All these reasons lead to women not being able to reach out for help, and leads to severe deterioration of their mental health issues. 

Although this is a major social issue which needs to addressed in a professional manner, there some steps that can be taken on an individual level to remedy the issue:

1. Stand up for your friends: If you come to know that your female friends are experiencing mental health issues and is afraid to reach out for help, stand up for them and advocate their right to access resources to help them battle their issues. This way, they can feel that they have some sort of support, which can encourage them to get help.

2. Spread awareness: Through social media and other campaigns, you can spread awareness about the importance of good mental health, and hoe women have an equal right to attain it. This can provide information for women who otherwise may not be aware, and can help them take the necessary steps.

3.Call out your friends: Any time your friends or colleagues are having discussions that are misogynistic in nature, especially regarding women's mental health, call them out and correct them. This way, false information in the form of gossip will not become facts for ignorant people, and less misinformation will be spread. 


These are a few ways in which a difference can be made on an individual level to take a step towards making professional help accessible to women everywhere. Women experience equal, if not more,  mental health issues, and their voices need to be heard and acknowledged. ❣

Divya Chopade March 12, 2021 2:23 pm

The reason I think women's mental health is less spoken is because from many years her role has been always considered less to men's. The equality which we speak of now days wasn't present since first, women have been silenced since ages and made feel helpless because they are very emotional and giving so they tend to sacrifice their happiness and gulp their pain in.

To improve today's conditions the first thing I think is that we should spread awareness of women's mental health , second we should encourage them to come out and stand for themselves and fellow womens, we need to make them feel safe & secure. And last but not the least I think mental health should be a open topic to talk for all the individuals including men & women .

Sonal March 12, 2021 6:30 pm

 Women and men are different not only physically but also in their psychological behavior. There are actual differences in the way women and men react or act too different things. Social and economic factors can put women at greater risk of poor mental health than men. Girls from nuclear families and women married at a very young age are at a higher risk for attempted suicide and self-harm. Married women were victims of domestic violence more in India than in other countries. Some women find it hard to talk about difficult feelings or situations and internalize them this can lead to problems such as depression and anxiety they don't talk about these things and think that how will society react, if I talk about it or how I say this to a stranger that how I feel, how will my parents react to this? A woman always thinks about society, parents, and their Partners all these things before doing anything but men are more likely to act out their feelings through disruptive or anti-social behavior in the house. Factors such as poverty, isolation, and hormonal changes are likely to make an impact on women's health. I research it and I found out that depression is under-reported in men. Basically, after reading about all these I found out that women suffer these things more often like domestic violence especially in India, and when someone experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as someone's death who is close to them or a serious incident like rape this lead to PTSD called (post-traumatic stress disorder).


We can do a few things to help these women: 

  • Talk about their feelings can help you stay in good mental health.

  • Keep yourself active can boost your self-esteem and you feel better.

  • Eat well, A good diet can help you in physical health but also in mental health. 

  • Drink consciously, when we are sad we tend to drink alcohol to get away from that feeling. Drink water rather than drinking alcohol.

  • Keep in touch with your friends talk to them about what you feel will help you to vent out your feelings rather than suppressing them.

  • Ask for help if u need it don't be shy to talk to another person just reach out to them. 

  • Take a break if you feel exhausted by sitting home all-day just go anywhere to lift your mood.

  • Do something that you enjoy doing like dance or cook food for yourself, anything you like just do it.

  • Accept who you are, will help you to boost your self-confidence and it can help you to cope up with difficult situations in life.


What can we do that is spread awareness and educate people through our social media and provide them help what they needed like a helpline number especially for women to talk freely about their mental health without any judgments.


Frankly, in my opinion, it is women mental health issues that are talked about more often than not as against the mental health issues of men.  Today’s era has women at its centre with growing awareness, concerns and voicing up against the inequalities and discrimination faced by women in the past as well as in the present. Plethora of hash tags such as #metoo #equalpay #womenempowerment have stemmed up in support of them. However, men have had leniencies in their lifestyles as compared to women but generalizing them would only be stereotypical.

  • Men face harassment too.
  • Men too have been asked for sexual favors in return for a workplace task or selection.
  • Men do face family and societal pressure to have a financially secured future instead of following their dreams.
  • Men do face domestic abuse as well.
  • Men too get raped.

 However, when men try to speak about it, they are stigmatized, told to feel ashamed to even let it happen, they are told to ‘man up’. The abuse along with social shame tremendously impacts men’s mental health as well. If there is a revolution regarding women’s empowerment, there can be a revolution regarding normalizing male mental health issues. For this one can:

  • Reconsider using terms such as “this is girly”, “men don’t cry”, “men are strong” and most importantly, “be a man”
  • Men’s mental health education or rather mental health education in general needs to be inculcated in the academic syllabus.
  • Families need to stop stereotyping gender roles.
  • Being sensitive and considerate when an man tries to voice about and speak up about his mental health or abuse.

Feminism is not about only women upliftment, it is an umbrella term for the betterment of human kind regardless of the genders. Yes, women health issues are less talked about but men’s mental health issues are the least spoken about. Conclusively, mental health issues are not openly or freely discussed and hence before starting a debate on whose mental health needs to be spoken about more often, one needs to realize that mental health in general needs to be spoken about more often.


Women have always been labelled as "overly emotional", this is true across the board. For decades now women have been shunned away and their problems have been shut down because they are " too hormonal" or "too hysterical". This idea makes it difficult for any issue to be taken seriously. A great example would be, look at the reaction a woman gets when she complains of having painful periods. Either they are clueless or they hit you up with this statement "But it cant be that bad" or "You have had them for years now, you should be used to it". Womens menatl health issues are more often than not blamed on Hysteria. They are made to question their own problems, left wondering if there is an "actual" problem.

The way to change this is,

1) Stop labelleing women as overly emotional.

2) Talk about your own issues with other women

3) Stand up for yourself as well as other women when you see them being dismissed.

4) Call out friends and family, often times these beliefs are propogated within a family or a circle of friends, call these people out.


Yamini March 12, 2021 1:23 pm

Women are bound by societal norms that restrict them to act up. To be honest, specifically, in our country [India], talking about mental health is taken lightly, we are made to believe that if we take about it we become inferior to others who are acquainted with us. Women, especially are surrounded by various misogynists. They are expected to be weak-minded and emotional in every aspect of their life. They are expected to be dominant to others around them and if you don't act accordingly, they are labelled as rude and undisciplined. Talking about their mental health makes them look like they are concerned about their feminine character and responsibilities. Even though they do not overlook any responsibility, it is assumed that they do which makes them look unfit to fit in the society. Almost 90 per cent of women suffer from hypertension. Whatever the reason may be, they don't even bother to think about the solutions for their mental health problems. The irony is, not only men but also other women too treat women with mental health from a judgemental perspective. Talking about such problems and issues still remain far fetched. Although we may be developing from all the aspects this aspect, to be particular, is still untouched, or I must say roughly touched. 

As for solutions, we need to make sure that no one is judged when they talk about their mental health issues in a community. We should at least become bothered when we see someone else suffering from certain mental health issues and volunteer for help. We should speak up when necessary. Tolerance is necessary but in these issues, it does not hold the top priority position.


"Women are the most integral part of any society, no society is complete without women, women provide stability and help in making society a livable place." 

Mental Health issues and discussions about the same are taboo in itself, but talking about women their physical and mental issues is even beyond taboo. Women are always idealized as being able to manage any and everything with perfection and in this process, they do not encounter any problems. This misconception is being given support by us women directly or indirectly which makes open and fair discussions more difficult.

Women being idealized:- 

Women, as mentioned earlier, are seen as "super-humans", they are expected to do many things but aren't given chance to talk about their issues. Women are always expected to be a social animal, be presentable, abide by the social and cultural norms, try to do best in their career as well as personal life. Right from childhood women are always seen as adjusting, mature and emotional at the same time, so it is observed that they are expected to adjust in their family, among friends, and also in the social group but aren't asked about their opinions which affect their sense of self-image. For example, a boy can through tantrums or behave aggressively, but if the same is done by a girl it is seen as breaking social norms.

  • Even today when women are succeeding in different fields of life, they are expected to be ideal wife, daughter, mother and take care of their families without complaining or expressing any discomfort.
  • They are not asked about their problems when handling the family and work, like their fatigue, irritation, sadness, and even depression in many cases. They are expected to do this happily always.
  • Their emotional problems during or before menstrual cycles aren't at all focused, many a times by the woman herself. For example, a woman has to go through PMS i.e. pre-menstrual syndrome where she has to go through many hormonal changes that can cause mental health issues.  
  • A new-mother typically is expected to always be ready and happy to handle her new-born without feeling fatigued, depressed, or in some cases uninterested in the process. For example, postpartum issues aren't addressed many times.
  • A mother is always expected to be there for her child irrespective of her physical and mental state, even if she is facing a personal crisis she is always expected to do anything for her child.
  • Women even at their workplace aren't really welcomed to express their emotional and mental health concerns.

Women being reluctant about mental health issues:- 

Society cannot always be blamed for suppressing women, because in many cases women themselves make rules or boundaries for themselves which affect their mental health. Many women do not like to express their emotional turmoil or mental health issues to anyone as they feel that it is their duty to be available for the family and hence shouldn't give time for such personal issues. They many times avoid expressing mental health issues because according to them they have a loving husband, children, a nice job, and happy family life, "perfect life" but it is not necessary that having such a life makes you totally free from mental health issues. In many cases, women with such a hypothetical "perfect life" face more mental health issues because firstly deny that they have some problem, and secondly due to this denial they face more stress and pressure to deliberately stay happy. Sometimes this can actually sub-consciously create a feeling of guilt. Also, in some cases, if the woman accepts that she is facing some problem, she might feel guilt about "feeling the way she is feeling".   

Need of the hour:-  

It is very important, especially in the current scenario to talk about women and their mental health issues. Due to the current pandemic, working women had to face a lot of stress they had to handle their work as well as handle household chores. Some small steps that can break the ice about mental health discussion:- 

  •   Start from ourselves, express and talk about what we feel, women are human-being and there is no need to feel guilt when feeling negative.
  • Seek the help of professionals when you feel that I am suffering from something intense.
  • Admit that you are going through emotional turmoil and express your true feeling to someone with whom you are comfortable and you know that the person is non-judgemental.
  • Express yourself through writings, write a diary, or journal so that there is no emotional saturation that can affect your mental health.
  • Help your friends and colleagues, ask them to talk and express what they are facing. Motivate them to accept and express their true feeling and emotions. 
  • Educate other women around us to accept ad express. 
  • These are some primary and baby steps but will have a great impact as they will reduce your emotional burden and most importantly will make you aware and also will help accept your true self.

This is just the beginning of our era, there is a long way ahead and we need women warriors to take our flag of femininity across the world.


While I do agree that women's mental health and the situations that lead to them are tough and sever and aren’t spoken about enough, I also do believe that there is relatively more coverage on women mental health than a mans. A man is also prone to depression and other mental issues and it is more of a taboo for them to express what is perceived as weakness.

But replying to the question, I would say that situations leading to trauma which are considered to be widespread and most likely targeting women are not spoken about enough. The topics such as domestic abuse, marital rape, shattered and unfulfilled dreams- aren’t to be disclosed because according to some cultures and mindsets- as mentioned by the movie Thappad- there is normalization of inter-generational female trauma and pain, as females are supposed to learn to ‘tolerate,’ to stand strong throughout and regardless of violence, period pains, illness or even in cases, rape. We are to supposedly give up dreams and wishes for the maintenance of the family; to smile and look pretty, to keep our heads down and shrug of discomfort so they would move forward and annoy someone else. But no! The movie ‘Moxie’ clearly highlights 2 very important things:

  • To keep our heads held high and the need to stand up for ourselves, even if others aren’t on board with it, no matter how hard it gets.
  • If you aren’t a part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. So, while ignorance may be bliss, it only reinforced harassment and amplifies problems.

Most of us stand for feminism when, “I can suddenly see all the unfair things that I did not notice earlier.” We are conditioned to see normality in patriarchy and sexism, not acknowledging the unfairness of society and not trying to make a change.

To make a difference, we need to:

  • Primarily, educate ourselves on gender discrimination and inequality, inter-generational female trauma and feminism.
  • Try to reach out and heal your-self, who know? Your journey may inspire and give hope to others as well.
  • When you see discrimination stand up and keep your head high, speak up for your self and for others. It is hard but it is worth it. When it stops there, you will save someone else of potential pain and trauma.
  • Make a YouTube channel, write a poem, a song, a story or speak to the audience in any way that you feel comfortable.

I find you admirable. No matter the pain you’ve gone through, you still stand strong, but always remember that it’s okay to melt, we’re here for you. It will only make you strong.

Message to men:

  • Stop asking women if they are on their periods every time they are stressed or upset.
  • Be gender neutral when dressing a problem, talk about the potential problem and how it can be solved.
  • Stop staring. Stop ranking women (honestly, so should women stop doing it). Stop categorizing them into particular roles.

Message to everyone hurt: Take out a picture of your childhood picture, talk to them. Tell them how you feel and that they deserves better and you’re going to make that happen for them.


Mental health is a serious issue and it is often stigmatized, most of the population in India does not know of its importance. People often take their mental problems are small unimportant things but they do not understand that it affects them in a very significant manner. The masses need to understand that mental health is important for both genders and that it's equally important regardless. 
In fact, men's mental health is given less importance in most countries when compared to woman's and men also tend to seek therapy less than women. The factors are many but the problem exists and we have to work towards normalizing mental health, it should be normal to seek mental health and it should be seen the same way as someone seeking care when they scrape their knees or fall off a bicycle. Some wounds can be treated at home but some need to be taken care of by professionals, so it's okay to seek medication if you don't think you are doing well.

In a very similar way to any physical injury, mental or emotional injuries can take time to heal, it might feel very fast or it might take some time, it depends from person to person, so try giving yourself some time before you do something major. It's like a broken arm, wait till it heals before you start using it once again, if you do things might become worse. 

All genders face problems, some unique to them and that is okay and understandable, we should try to understand each other, empathize and give equal importance to one another's problems so we can uplift each other.


In a country like India, where it was instilled on us since an early age that woman are meant to have a "supportive role", it isn't surprising to see that mental health of women are given less importance. As a woman, you are taught that patience ans tolerance are virtues every Indian woman should have. Hence, we also start believing that, as women it is important that we push forward with our duties without thinking about the toll it has on us. Of course, the status women have in this country had changed over the past years. But, even now, our country has a long way to go before we can fully say that women getting the best treatment they can in this country. This is especially the case when talking about mental health. To change this, we as a whole need to understand that struggles women go through and the toll it has on their mental health is valid. We also need to increase the awareness about mental health in female population. But above all that, we need to start by having open conversations about all the problems women face, instead of sweeping it under the rug.


Being a women is not a simple thing. Being a women is such an eternal beauty. But women are going through much mental issues than men because of continuous hormonal changes,but talking about  women's mental issues is not such common thing. Because in our society there is a myth that mental issues with women or girls are common and every women has that issues.

It's not that, mental issues with women are more serious than men because they are going through continuous hormonal changes. If a girl talk about her mental issues her parents will surely restrict her beacuse they belive that if a girl talk about her mental issue as being a girl the society will avoid her and she wouldn't get a bright future. 

  Please come forward from these utter nonsense, beacuse only the person who suufer with mental issues only know their pain. So if a woman talk about their mental problem please don't restrict them please take care of them proper treatment. 

   As a women I would take steps to talk about women's mental isuues are

1. Write up on social medias 

2. Arrange campaings

3. Give council 



Women's mental health is less focused because we all think that if they are depressed or something they might be on thier periods. We consider thier worst mental health to be mood swing. Which is not right.

We can change it by talking to them. By checking thier mental health time to time.stay by their side. Give their mental health priority by talking about it openly



People go through a lot of good and bad events everyday. It does affect our mental health on a daily basis. Mental health is the overall cognitive, emotional and behavioural well-being. I feel that in general, discussing about mental health issues are made a taboo by the society. I would also like to mention the fact that there is change in a positive direction. But this change is slow. People are talking about their mental health issues. Just as a person gets problems related to their bodies, the society has normalised discussions likeabout it. The same rule should also be applied on the discussion of mental health problems. It is sad to say that women today are still considered as someone inferior to men. They are given less payment, lesser benefits etc. This needs to be changed. The topic which was a taboo for the society (mental health) is also less or not discussed. Women on a daily basis face a lot of hardships. If not resolved, it can take a toll on their mental health. In the current society, women are not given much space to talk about their feelings and emotions. Thus talking about mental health problems would be considered as a further step. There has also been less research on the topic of women's mental health. Thus, it is less talked about. Restricting women on their particular gender role may lead to a lot of mental health problems and due to the rigid nature of the society, the woman may hesitate to talk about it. 

According to me, there are some ways in which it can be changed.

-The society as a whole should be taught to respect all the genders and have a sense of equality. This is the very first step that is needs to be taken.

- The discussion about mental health problems should also be normalised. People have problems and it should not be considered as a taboo to talk about them.

- People should be educated to talk about mental health problems. This will help them to know if they are undergoing any problem.

- Much research on women's mental health should be encouraged in order to get a proper picture about the problems faced by them.

If this all is done, there will be a positive change in the mindset of people and it would also lead to lesser mental health problems.

Thank you very much,

Omkar Kate



Mentally women are stronger than men. They can handle any kind of emotional situation better than men. Women also have good will power. Even by possessing these qualities women too suffer mental health issue. The talks or discussions about Women's mental health are very less. This is because a women doesn't consider herself as important. The awareness about mental gealth is less and some have social stigma regarding mental health. More awareness campaigns should be initiated towards women's mental health and their mental health issues should be addressed well.


In countries like ours,  women were or are to an extent are forced to confine themselves in the four walls of the homes they are born into or married into.. And in my opinion, this is where it all starts to go wrong.. This taboo that men step out of their residences and do the more important duties began to be instilled within the new generations of every generation from time immemorial and eventually, patriarchy came into play... And thus women were seen as mere robots that stayed at home, took care of her family and capable of only that and nothing else. Not only were their physical capabilities overlooked, but also their mental strength that was ignored or underestimated.  And not only did this restrict women to express their true strength freely but also men who had to pretend to be strong when they were not. And even though times have changed, though women have started to rise up to their capacities, though men have started to accept and reveal their weaknesses, at some point, we see history repeating itself... And we fall back to the same old loop of hiding, pretending and thus depriving even others of their access to their much deserving freedom. Mental health issues are still seen as a sign of weakness or timidness.. And I believe to make a change, it must all start small.. Start from our own homes... treat boys and girls the same or rather give them the space to accept themselves as they are.. instilling within them that boys playing with barbie dolls and liking pink and girls playing with cars and liking black are absolutely great! Let's put an end to all these misconceptions and make this a better place for everyone irrespective of their chromosomes...


Women are often considered as the second or weaker gender in society. Over the years they have in most societies, evolved to be the main carers and providers in society, making them more prone to mental disorders like anxiety and depression. To add to that, a greater number of women are financially dependent on their male counterparts which makes them more likely to live in poverty. A large portion of the female Indian population are housewives, which restricts their social interaction which may lead to them feeling isolated and lonely. reports of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse are some other issues they may have to deal with which often leads to adverse effects on their long-term mental wellbeing. Men too are not spared from the shackles of patriarchy which may directly hamper their mental health.

Some ways we could avoid this is to:

1. Educate- children, from a young age, should be taught about topics like gender equality as well as the importance of good mental health.

2. Awareness-  to destigmatize the taboos surrounding mental health and create a safe space for everyone in society.

3. Discussion forums- create platforms where the grievances of the afflicted are heard and understood. 

4. Professional help- providing professional help to the afflicted

In this way, we can all unlearn years of gender stereotypes, baises, and prejudices and instead work together to create a better society for everyone.


Mental health issues of women is not given much importance in our society. The society think that women cannot suffer from any mental health issues because they can handle them just the way they handle the household chores. They expect women to take care of the family, husband and children, and do the household chores and fail to understand that women can also have mental health issues. A woman is expected to tolerate and be patient in every situation.
If a woman is anxious about something, people assume that she is on her periods or she's just being too dramatic or emotional. Mental health issues are considered as just mood swings.

Most of the time, women donot really open up about their issues and as a result their mental health issues become even more problematic for them. It can lead to even more mental health issues.

Here are few ways to change this:

1. Start talking and give more light to women's mental health.

2. Stand up for yourself and other women.

3. Educate people about the different issues faced by women.

4. Understand women and their struggles of everyday life.


A good mental health is important for survival. It will have an effect on each males and females. According to some studies conducted, only six countries offer girls equal legal work rights as boys. This is just one example that indicates that inequalities against women are very much prevalent in society. Other forms of inequalities that women face in society includes Rape, Sexual violence, Wage gap, feminine infanticide and foeticide, child marriage and the list goes on. Isn’t it obvious that these factors will affect a woman’s mental health? Historically, women have been assigned the role of a housewife which has made them even more vulnerable stress. The role of a house wife includes- cooking, cleaning, looking after children, her husband, their education etc. They get very less chances to go out and spend time with their friends. This will increase stress in them and thus they are vulnerable for any forms of mental disorders. Many of the women work outside and also within their homes. These multiple roles and responsibilities will again increase stress and anxiety in them. Also, another important factor regarding females, that is neglected is health. Many times girls are not given correct check-ups and medications, both for physical and mental health.

  1. Education is one important factor that can influence the way people think. It can change their mind sets.
  2. Start from home. The day a girl is born, discrimination starts in the family. This has to change.
  3. Teach her to love herself. Often women are taught to give importance to male figures in the families, more than themselves. When you truly lone yourself, you’ll never do anything that can harm your physical or mental health.



Women? Aren't we all made to believe that women are more emotionally inclined and at the same time stronger mentally then man? Since childhood hearing things like "Women use their heart to think and that's the reason behind why they are considered emotional" we all grew up. Words like "drama queen" are often used. But why? Because they react more?   

Women struggling with poor mental health are often advised " How can you can't even handle this? When you will be married, several more problems will occur. You have to handle these kind of things!" Is a women supposed to be strong mentally always? Why do we consider them mentally strong? Why do Women always need to be perfect in the job just to prove herself?

Women employees in several fields like law and force are often made to prove themselves just because of their gender. They have to showcase that they can be strong physically. But their mental health is overlooked here too. There are several ways in which Women mental health can be helped as it is a very important issue .

  • Seeking professional help from therapist or counselor so that you have someone to talk about your emotional problems.
  • Speak up. Try empowering yourself when you feel that your mental health is being neglected.
  • We should make people more aware about equality between the two genders. Equality needs to be stated both mentally and physically.

For centuries our country has been fueled by misogyny and sexism , so it should come as no surprise that women's mental health issues specifically in India are talked about so less. And not just India but worldwide women have always been considred as secondary beings who only belong in the kitchen and can't have a voice of their own. And when they do try to speak up and try to break free from these archaic societal norms they are labeled as being "too emotional" or "hysterical" or even "crazy". And if that isn't enough , they have to blame it on our periods. ("Ohh is it that time of the month?"). The reason women's mental health hasn't been taken seriously is because accordng to society women have nothing to worry about, women don't have to worry about supporting the family, all they have to do is look after the household chores, and that's such an easy job, right ? For as long as time we all have lived through this prejudice of women being the "weaker sex" and their problems are not serioius. Its the men that do all the heavylifting in this world so obviously their issues and their mental health is much more important. But fortunately we see today that times have started to change. Women are given equal importance in many walks of life and their mental health is being valued. But at the same time we see a drop in the importance given to men's mental health. Because now we have this whole notion of "men being men", that "boys don't cry", we are now surrounded by toxic masculinity. Which makes it extremely difficult for men to seek help too. So I think its time we do away with all these stigmas and prejudices attactched to mental health. Mental Health issues are not gender specific , anybody , anywhere could be suffering and we should stop at nothing to help them.


In my opinion mental heath as a whole needs more concern and attention than it is getting now. Of course the scenario is far better than what it was. People at least now know that there is something called mental health. More awareness about the same is the need of the hour.

When it comes to women mental health I guess it is less talked about because a women in this society is too busy to look at herself. Right from birth we are taught how we need to be the care takers of the family, the ideal wife and an ideal mother. We are taught to give more importance to the family, the family should come before self. we are so busy prioritizing other stuff that we forget to take care of ourselves. A woman wakes up thinking what she would cook for breakfast,feeds them and helps everyone go to school and work. Then again shes busy thinking about lunch and snacks and dinner and there it is, the end of the day and this keeps going on... on repeat. I am not saying women of this era stills stays inside the four walls of the house and her only job is cooking and cleaning. She steps outside but with a deep sigh, a sigh of heaviness of thoughts. Some are called brave and strong while others face hate comments as if there are not being too selfish to leave home and go to work. There are work no doubt but the home still keeps running in their mind. She needs to take time and think about herself too.

These so called gender roles tells a woman what she should be like in order to fulfill the demands of the society. It has affects on men too, no doubt. But when we are cry we think we are just being emotional and that is how feminine feelings should be like. We do not go into the depth of things to understand situations or rather to understand ourselves and that is where the problem lies. We are at times forced to feel okay by the norms when we are actually not. Think of domestic violence, why are thousands of women still quiet? they are taught to be patient and to keep the family together. So they do not say a word thinking what the society would say if I divorce or what will happen to my children. 

In order to change this we need to talk about it. Talking about issues help in making the topic a normal thing to discuss moreover when people share experiences they learn that they are not the only one facing the same circumstances. A sense of strength develops when they see similar situations it gives them courage to talk about it openly and also seek help whenever required.



I feel the society is not  giving much importance to women's mental health but at the same time society is talking proudly about women's empowerment. Females attains their puberty before men so they have depression in early life and it will be there throughout their life. Mental issue is not a physical illness that's why  our society is not taking it seriously. And mostly people who faces mental issues they won't show it out but still we have a question mark on this. The society thinks that this is not a topic to talk about. Those days if a girl is born she is meant to die but that changed into something else like if a girl is born she will be taken care by her father, when she gets married her husband has to take care of her, when she gets old her son has to take care of her so we can clearly see from these things that women's mental health was worst in olden days and it's still like that at some point

What would i do to change it :- i would create awareness like, first the awareness should start from school boys, we have to teach them what is mental health and what are women facing in this society that leads to mental illness,  likewise to the college men's and for the men workers.


I think the mental health issues about women are less talked about and aren't given much importance as I feel that the myth prevails till now that "females easily cry or are over emotional". They are resisted and not considered fit for the fields they aspire for. Crying never makes a person weak. It is one of the most strongest things to express our emotions the way we feel about what's going in our head. The "beti" who manages to grow in all walks of life, the beloved who knows to over love and over-care, the mother who not only gives brings into this world a new being but the one who is a doting wife no matter the thread of relations she is in she manages to grow through everything and manage everything efficiently and smoothly. The who won't give up on you no matter what. Disheartening isn't it still in this era she is scared of you know what? Expressing one self because she will be labelled weak. Who actually made these distinctions on what grounds were people termed as weak and strong? If it is on the basis of weeping then even men cry so does that make them weak too? We are humans living in our own chaotic thoughts and are accustomed to handle turmoil of emotions. We say "Beti Bachao, Beti padhao" then why we don't let this skylark to emerge and fly in the limitless sky with her open wings. Why stopping her and pulling her back always. There is no such thing/  field of career that we can say only a boy  can do but a girl can't if we take into consideration the "reality" the vital facts not the stereotypical mindset created. A girl has so many issues to deal with either it be the time she is growing up or when she is a women. She goes through a lot carrying the agony inside her that complies up every day and then she feels that she should commit suicide. Why? You can never put a pause on the freedom of expression. You carry out campaigns to raise awareness. But what is the use of that awareness if in the end even you will yourself make a barrier for her. Let her live the way she wants to. You educate her but it's her freedom to dream everyone dreams then why can't she turn those dreams into reality. Her ambition the drive the immense hard-work she does is never stupidity. She is well aware of her goals. The one who rises even from the ashes, no matter in the number of ways society pulls her back, she has that smile that can lighten up your world, that spark of purity that can never be compared to anything. She is much more than an object for pleasure. By realizing her worth you aren't doing a favor to her but to your own-self. Such changes are necessary and are the need of the hour. We have been launching campaigns to make people aware of the importance of a girl child and emphasizing on how they should be educated. We inculcate their minds with the never-ending ocean  of knowledge then why creating obstacles afterwards for them. Webinars and proper information should be given even on the fact that after they are educated they can pursue anything no career option would be assigned to pre-conceived notions and labels. They won't be held back by the orthodox approach. Nothing would make them feel less about their own-selves. Bringing a difference would require a lot of effort but taking baby steps and with honesty and determination one can even cross the path full of thorns. 


A woman is someone who is considered to be inferior in the Indian context. Women are looked down upon as either submissive beings or objects. 

There is no equality found anywhere, be it movie industry, workplace, school, colleges or even our own households. 

While everyone is kept well fed at home, a woman is seen to be the one eating the remaining food that is usually never sufficient for her. 

A woman is seen compromising everywhere and at all walks of life. It's not surprising to see that women's mental health is not given importance. When a woman is not given importance in our society, her mental health doesn't even account upto 10% of importance.

Women grow up with this submissiveness and are conditioned to stay that way. Quiet is beautiful is what everyone says. But when you're quiet, you're building it all up in your mind. 

There's no room for catharsis because a good woman is considered to be the one to adjust. 

Mental health issue is real, if not given importance now, it can lead to the end of our mankind. 


             If we take a closer look at the history, we often see men always mentioned, exemplified and glorified in any events or fields. It is through deep digging that we find the female equivalent examples. The same applies to mental health. Women are here too dismissed or invalidated. From labeling women ‘hysterical and emotional’ in the past to attributing anger to ‘that time of the month’ today, women’s mental health has been taken for a ride.

            Women are often pressured to be ‘perfect’. This pressure comes from patriarchal setting which orders women to do it all and have it all. The stress which comes from the pursuit of perfection manifests into anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicidal tendencies. Some of the problems faced by women are: Role overload in which there is pressure to excel every role, be it mother, daughter, wife, worker, and hostess; Internalized misogyny where women are shamed by women for their choices; Blond vs, Brunette identity where women are told they can be either beautiful or intelligent, etc.

            Here is a big reveal: Women are not threatening. We as society need to understand that women’s progress does not equal to society’s downfall. If we give women conducive environment to thrive and form her own life and identity, she will give society so much that we all will wonder, what we were sacred of?


The sex differences in mental health also varies drastically. But i would like to say that mental health of men is less talked about than women, due to the stereotypes the men associate to like being strong, not crying, being tough and manly. On the other hand the mental health of women too is at stake and is often overlooked by individuals. The women of the world already struggle to get equality and acceptance in society . Similarly even in their mental health they struggle to overcome it.

Way through which we can improve or rectify this is-

  • The basic concept of equality plays a huge role in this so the both men and women are able to face the stereotypes.
  • Education on the above concept is equally important, as that is the base and foundation for any of our core beliefs.
  • Creating awareness is something that can be very effective for any group of individuals to pass information directly.

This change can be brought by the youth of this world to learn and change for a better tomorrow and a bright future. 

hope this helps!

As much as I agree that mental health is less talked about, I do not agree that women's mental health is less talked about. Majority of the issues known and studied or reported are on women and statistically the majority of people who seek therapy or mental health support are women. Also, it is generally observed that women are more expressive and find ways to vent out or be vocal about their problems in some manner or seek support from friends and peers while men suppress their emotions. Even suicide rates, globally as well as nationally, indicate way higher rate of suicide among men than women. 
All these clearly indicate how men's mental health needs to be discussed more. But at the same time these numbers are far from the actual picture and majority of issues are suppressed by men and women alike.
Women are always taken for granted for being the backbone of the house, one that works for others all their lives, one that follows the decisions of the family instead of having her own voice, one that gets molested or taken advantage of while having to stay silent about it.
Men too are taken for granted by being considered as the one who works effortlessly for the family, makes all the decisions and takes the blames, one that cannot cry or have long hair or hold a soft toy, one that has to stay above the competition and be an achiever.
But if both men and women are being taken for granted by each other as well as people from their own groups, where does the problem lie?
It goes back to the first line, mental health is less talked about in all of our communities. Lack of psychoeducation makes people be justified in their own eyes while they freely judge others.
"Yes, men can cry too! But women are supposed to be the ones who handle the kitchen"
"Yes, women can be the one who earns for the family! But men wearing pink look girly"
NO, stop right there. Stop with the actor-observer bias and consider the fact that the person you are pointing your finger at might be as justified as you are. 

As for what can be done about it:

  • Spread mental health awareness.
  • Express yourself, seek help, know that it does not make you weak. 
  • Listen to others as you would when you want to be heard.
  • Try and be more empathetic. 
  • Help yourself through everything and when possible, help others.
  • Use what Psychology teaches us as a lifestyle instead of a mere piece of information. 
  • Accept yourself for what you are while you walk the path of growth and at the same time accept others and if you cannot, discard those thoughts instead of holding onto or spreading negativity. 
  • Take a break.
  • Love. 
Instead of debating which gender has more mental health issues or who gets more help, let us all work on holistic mental health. When there is someone coming to you with despair, help them instead of checking their tags and knowing their religion, gender, ethnicity, age or anything at all. Help them not because they are what seems to you to be someone to your liking. Help them because they share the same breath as you do, eat the same things, have the same blood in their veins. Help them because they are humans. Alive. 

I actually think the opposite of the statement that has been given above, personally, I believe that women's mental health issues are given more importance than men's mental health issues. Society in general believes that men are supposed to be "strong" and "emotionally immune to pain". There is also the famous stereotype that "boys shouldn't cry", whereas women are thought to be more sensitive, emotional/emotionally aware. Also according to a a research study conducted in UK, more number of women seeked therapy when compared to men. This shows that men have a lesser tendency ( in comparison to women ) to seek therapy. 

In India especially, there are more women's colleges for psychology rather than men's colleges for psychology, it seems like it is more of a profession or a field that is dominated by women. Women tend to be more conscious of emotions. Whereas men tend to have difficulty in expressing themselves and how they feel.

Mental health is of immense importance for both the genders and they might face problems unique to their own genders and we should work towards creating an environment to help both the genders overcome their own mental health problems.


Women's mental health is just as equal as men's mental health. But it is not so! A man will ask for her wife to make her calm and soak up all hua negative energies, just like a sponge and what about her?? She is being pre assumed to have no mental health issues at all. Also the levels of discrimination they face so intense. Women are being put in a zone of stress, inferiority, safety issues, restrictions, leaving home after marriage, bearing a child and banishing her dreams and goals for few dominant men of society or rather due to whole society. I know men suffer to and also you can't compare any sufferings. But men obviously have a upper hand in the society, they can have that help and reach out and relax. Still there are women who can't even step up alone and they are not mentally healthy.


1. Don't discriminate with mental health, anyone and of any age can have it, so be polite and be considerate about it. 

2. Make women around you step up a little(career wise, life wise) , so they can have an independent image for themselves and feel good. 

3. Well I think this will be a weird solution, but for me it is a problem. No one cares to notice it. We use cuss words on normal basis and the whole world use women in that (in both English and hindi cuss words)indirectly we are feeding our minds women are easy targets. Just think about it. 


It's true that women face a lot of challenges. Gender roles, stereotypes and differences have and still are a part of our society. As a women, many expectations, rules and limitations are set upon us. No doubt, all these things play a major role in the declination of women's mental health. 

They are expected to run a house, take care of children, their husband, in-laws, nowadays even handle a job. They're expected to be perfect in things considered feminine qualities by society like cooking, cleaning, selflessly caring. They're expected to not have too much of freedom, or be indisciplined or ill-mannered. And the list goes on. So yeah, they have a lot of stress to take over and obviously if not given the right attention, if suppressed too much, it can turn into a big problem. A mental problem. 

But it's not like women's mental health is not talked about as women are more expressive unlike men who just bury their feelings and thoughts inside because of another huge list of expectations and ideations put upon them. Men or women, they all are humans. They all have feelings and their part of struggles and challenges. It's mental health that's not talked about or prioritised much, and it has nothing to do with gender. We all need help at some point in life and people should understand that. 

As to what strategies can be used, 

  • Stop gender discrimination, biases and stereotypes. Treat everyone as equal. 
  • Come out and express your feelings and problems. Men and women alike. 
  • Prioritise mental health. Spread awareness about it. 
  • Have a self care routine. Put limitations to how much you're giving to others. 
  • Practice healthy lifestyle, meditation, yoga and exercise. 
  • Be kind and humble to others. 



Mental illness is associated with a significant burden of morbidity and disability. Lifetime prevalance rates for any kind of psychological disorder are higher than previous thought, are increasing in recent cohorts and affect nearly half the population .

Mental disorders can affect women and men differently. Some disorderes are more common in women such as depression and anxiety. Some experience symptoms of mental disorders at times of hormone change, such as perinatal depression, premenstrual dysphpric disorder and perimenopause related depression, schizopherenia and bipolar disorder. But from time immemorial in this patriarchal society where where man is the head of the societt. All the decisions are taken by them and that is accepted . Women weren't given any importance. No one talks about women's mental issues nor they consider their opinions. They get ignored.


Women and men are different not only in physical structure but also in psychological makeup. Women's brain is different than that of men thus, both of them are different in communication, expressing feelings, deal with relationships, etc. Women's are being suppressed still, discriminated based on gender, not allowed to do certain things, has curfew, abused at home, and so much more women's have to go through.
Pregnancy, periods, heartbreak, cramps, mood swings,.. and in all this
complete mental health is ruined that's why women's mental health is a very important factor. But in our society it is ignored as just like an unimportant factor. In some families women's are not allowed to go out of their houses they are kept as prisoner and when they are in depression no one really wants to hear them. People think women's going through depression, mood swings is just normal hormonal change but it's really serious problem.

In order to make people aware about women's mental health issues we need to do this things:-

1. Create posts, videos on womens mental health and promote it on social media platforms.
2. Start campaigns on women's mental health.
3. Normalize taking psychological treatment.


In my opinion, women's mental health is talked about - well, atleast as much mental health is talked about in this country. But the problem is not if women's health is talked about or not, it's about how it's talked; with the stereotype that only women face "emotionally issues", thereby disregarding men's mental health issues and disregarding the fact that queer people face mental health issues proportionately more, stems the stigma that women are hence weaker, that having a breakdown due to society's treatment makes them "hysterical", the whole "is ex was crazy" rhetoric that men usually use to brush away the fact that they gaslighted and mistreated their partner for the entirety of the relationship, brushing away actual mental health issues issues (cis) women face by calling it "PMS" - are all proof of why we need to change the way we talk about mental illnesses and mental health issues faced by women.

Apart from this, we need to realize that cisgender women aren't the only ones who go through and experience mental illnesses and mental health issues - men do, people of the LGBTQIA+ community are more likely to - and we conveniently forget these facts, which is unfortunate and unfair. We need to talk more about mental health issues in general. 


Womens health issue is less talked about, or rather not paid much attention because "WE ARE WOMEN" and what more!!!! 

Yes, as simple as I just stated. Simply because we are women and not men. Though we still talk about issues pertaining to a patriarchal society and such women empowerment and freedom.... are we still even considered? This is the big question here nothing big has changed only that through their education women are getting empowered and are valued. But still women inequality and such related issues are only talked about, but not valued to the extent they just create a hype, hashtags and make it trending and nothing much beyond that. All for a social media show to gain fame I feel. 

Just women are still not recognized and valued much so does their mental health is not given much importance or valued or even considered. We dont show it out mucj or express much as we dont receive the support we need to from our male fellow beings.

We are simply under rated. I still see women suffering everywhere!

As I alone cannot change the world, but the little I can do is: 

1. Recognise and value every women's work. Even from the smallest meal your mother cooks for you can be a start to this... it all simply starts from HOME!

2. Dont complaint or find faults, rather appreciate them for the work they have done. And teach them from their mistakes.

3. Motivate them.

4. Encouraging words do help and increase the zest  ,helps boosting their energy. 

5. Be their for them support them.

6. Recognize their work, increase awareness.

7. Honour them.

All these are simple ways that I try and implement in my life to help THE WOMEN BODY! WE ARE HERE ONLY BECAUSE OF THEM! IT'S HIGH TIME WE CELEBRATE THEIR PRESENCE...


As we live in a collectivist country, so it is expected that people will be more knowledgeable and concern about their mental health as they are with their physical health. But the scene is different here, and when it comes to females, then the situation is more worst. Sometimes women are responsible for that, most specifically the learning that they are getting from our society or the way they were groomed. still in most of the Bollywood movies based on the theme like the heroine attacked by the villain and there is a hero, he saves her.. but why? in real life do we always get that hero to save us? No lol. So women need to take the courage to protect them, to help them in bad situations. In our home also we see moms routine start at 5 am and end at around 11 pm. Even they are not familiar with the concept of holiday also.. and those moms who are working, believe me, the condition is worse they have to take care of two worlds at the same time. rather than saying ki society need to do this, this and this we need to prepare our moms, we should help them to realize that okay you're not a machine for us, you're a pillar of our family, please take care of your self, be your hero. we need to realize to them how important they are and if they face any problem so we will be there to listen to her, to help her. After all, society is a cluster of families so if we make a change in our moms, and other female members within our family then they will also nurture or groom others with a different perspective.


Over the years, our society has sure made some great progress towards achieving gender equality and eradicating the injustice but women still face challenges when it comes to the societal outlook, social status, power and dependence. Our society stills looks upon women as the primary caretakers of a family. Many women adjust themselves to fit into the societal expectations of an "ideal woman" which can lead to mental health problems such as depression, depersonalization, low self-esteem or self-worth. 

People raise their voices today battling hostile sexism but tend to overlook benevolent sexism which conceptualize women as weak individuals who need to be protected and looked after.

 A large number of women also fall prey to emotional abuse where they are accused for being too sensitive or acting crazy, where they expect you to sacrifice or put everything aside to meet their needs or by trying to define or impose how you should feel and act. It becomes hard to voice your opinion on such matters especially when all of these acts are masked with affectionate or caring gestures. This takes a huge toll on the mental health of a woman as it often goes unheard or brushed off as trivial. 

For decades women have been condemned of being regarded as too sensitive or emotional but why is it looked upon as such a weakness? Embracing your emotions and knowing how to act upon them is truly a sign of strength.

Today, even though millions of people are raising their voices and opinions against this oppressive sexism, it will be of no good if you do not choose to act upon what you preach. I think it is really important for each and every one of us empower and support each other to establish a sense of equality for the betterment of our society.


Why is women's mental health less talked about? 

The main reason is inequality. Women are considered inferior and submissive. Most often dominated by the men and also other older orthodox women in the society. 

When people are asked to use adjectives to describe a woman, they state words such as:




Lady like







Nobody really found faults in this only until recently. Why can't women be referred to as:






This is the reason why women's mental health is not given importance. 


What can be done to change this?

I believe the most important thing is education and awareness. More and more people need to realise and learn that women is capable of being at par with a man. 

Everyone needs to be engaged in organisations and activities to bring in more empathy and awareness. 



A women has been taught to sacrifice right from her childhood. She has to sacrifice her dreams, her wishes as well as her mental health. She is seen fighting stereotypes everyday, yet, many less of us actually help her with her battles. 

A woman is bearer of the world and yet she has to bear the burdens of the world and fight her battles alone. The epitome of goddess has to go through the humiliations caused on her dignity in the name of pride and yet the whole world is silenced when she raises her voice and rushes to shush her otherwise "beta, log kya kahenge?"

She drains herself and her mental health while fulfilling her duties and still the world is silenced when it comes to the topic of her mental health because why to bother? It is her job. 

I think it is high time we start letting go all the stereotypes against women because she is not fragile. She will dance with her ghungroos on through the apocalypse with equal strength and grace. 

No doubt the mental health topic is rising and it is given importance but not the way we want it to be. Those who are wiling to step up and go to see a therapist are still somewhere titled as "crazy" and this humiliation stops them from approaching any help, further along.

A woman is a torch bearer for the world and let us all help not darken her own life.


Women mental health, along with the awareness on all mental health issues has never been considered as a problem of any kind till now. Only in our current years, after the development of social media platforms, we are neatly able to spread awareness on how much important mental health really is. Only after this knowledge we came to understand that women are more vulnerable to mood swings and mental ailments than men. So I believe that a girl though however strong need support pretty much frequently. And instead of raising our voices and battling some socially created facade, people like us could share and create events, that will help to educate the unaware on general ideas and ways to better understand their hardships.


Women's Mental Health in my opinion is being given its due attention. Although in our country, the awareness of mental health has generally been very low - which further points towards women's mental health awareness being less. Women have organically been seen as someone who takes care of household chores, children and other soft responsibilities here and there and it is the men who actually do all the hard work. Thus, the need to see women as more complex than that is absent. The mental health of each person, whether a man or a woman is to be taken seriously and should be provided with active solutions to cope rather than creating passive awareness. 


Many things can be done to promote women's mental health. 

1. Awareness drives can be conducted in person as well as online in the form of discussion forums. People should be made to engage with each other so that they understand what exactly is going wrong and how can we improve the mental health of women and similarly of everyone in society.

2. people living in higher classes are somewhere aware about mental health concerns but people living in disadvantaged areas are completely devoid of this idea. it is important to educate them about the need for good mental health. 

3. people should also be encouraged to seek help when necessary. more than anything, the taboo around therapy must be tacked. 


Women have been objectified for centuries. They have been seen as things that add on, not as beings. The long fight for equality has liberated women to an extent. In both rural and urban settings, the presence of women and their work aren't acknowledged nor are they appreciated. Hence for most part an woman's opinion never mattered, it was either suppressed or silenced.

Since their lack of acknowledgement of presence and being, their problems, be it mental or otherwise have never been seriously taken into account. Moreover, mental health has recently stopped being so much of a taboo.

Women have been programmed to think that is their fault, even if it is the fault of the men. Since time immemorial, women have been blamed for the fall of men. Inequality and oppression of women has caused them to become fragile and weak-minded where they've failed to speak up. Nonetheless, a few bold women did fight back patriarchical notions of male dominance and female submissiveness.

It is only in the recent past, for last two centuries, the 20th and 21th, have women not only come forth voicing their problems but also have proven their worth in all fields and have accomplished and overachieved than their male counterparts. They have retained the ability to choose to rise and have claimed their right to liberty and equality in all aspects of life. It is so in the case of mental health as well. 

A few ways to change one's outlook on women's mental health is by education and spreading awareness. Mental illnesses are not curses, they are to be death with appropriate therapy and medication. Woman need to speak up, they need to be provided with the right and conducive environment where they do not feel ashamed of their mental ailments but rather be encouraged to talk about it and deal with it, so they can live better lives. 




Women are expected to be a lot of things from the society and it's no different in the mental health They are expected to be pretty but not too pretty. They are expected to have unrealistic body proportions but are hated if they look too "fake". As women society tells them to be caregivers of the children and families but in doing so if we don't find the time to take care of ourselves then we are told that we are not being the best caregivers. As women we are told that it's okay to share and show emotions but the second we "overshare" we are told that something is wrong with us. In mental health too women are told to express emotions but as soon as they do that they label us as weak. Women were often discriminated in the field of psychology starting from the very beginning or even before the field of psychology was originated. Psychology was said to be highly male dominated domain but things are changing and there are mang successful women making a name for themselves in this field. Women are standing up for themselves and prioritizing their mental health and taking ferm steps to be mentally healthy despite the sexism. 

There are a lot of steps that can be taken to help women with their mental health issues but the most important one I feel is through educating both men and women from all areas about mental health and women related mental illnesses so the diagnosis can be fairly much easier.



Mental health is still stigmatized and associated with lots of tabbos. Taking about women's mental health it is mostly not talked about as from the beginning women are considered fragile and sensitive. People usually feel they either are PMSing or this is something natural for women to behave like. As she is considerd mre sensitivethan men.

Moreover, women themselves also brush up their emotions, they feel like it's just the hormones or they feel they may be considered as tabooed or bullied by the people around them. So in a way, she suffers in silence.

As an individual and being a girl, the first thing I can do is to raise awareness among my family, friends, college, etc. In a way, it can help me as well as them to understand that mental health needs to be acknowledged.

Awareness and knowledge about the real facts are the keys before taking any step.

Moreover, I can have or share webinars, talks of women on this issue, etc.

Check on my female friends and even my mother, aunt.


The first thing that should be understood is that it is no one's fault here. Men or even women for that matter cannot be blamed for this issue. It's the societal expectations, roles, and stereotypes that have been established over many generations that are to be blamed. Women are generally considered to be more emotionally mature and stable. So if a woman complains of any mental health issue, she is told that she is strong enough and she can deal with it by herself or that it's just a phase and it'll pass. Women are also asked to just focus on household chores and aren't really given the time or space to express themselves. When it comes to working women, they don't seem to catch the time to do the same. Mental Health in general by itself isn't given enough importance. 

The change should start small and then slowly progress. Changing mindsets in households is the most important solution. Education and awareness on the importance of discussing issues related to mental health. Women should be respected once they express their feelings and should not be taken advantage of. I feel that women support groups should be introduced, where they are allowed to meet every week and discuss everything on their mind. 


Gender has always been a critical determinant of mental health and mental illness. Women, generally, find it hard to talk about difficult feelings and internalise them, this can lead to problems such as depression and eating disorders etc. They may also express their emotional pain through self-harm.

Often, the first and most important step on the road to mental health is acknowledging the need to take action. For women, taking that first step can be particularly challenging due to the societal pressures women feel to be the strong, nurturing caregiver for their families, friends, and communities.

In addition to feeling too ashamed to seek help for a mental disorder, many women simply aren’t aware that their symptoms constitute an illness that can be treated. A big step toward improving the diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions in women rests in education: providing information about the prevalence of mental illness, the negative effects it has on women and their families, and the many resources available to help them receive the treatment they need to return to health.
