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Why Women's Mental Health started being acknowledged in the previous years?

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What could be the plausible reasons, as to why Women's Mental Health started being acknowledged in the previous years?

Trace down the history and as to what led to this.

Yamini March 13, 2021 5:15 pm

As far as I know, women's mental health started being acknowledged as there was a development in the studies related to psychology. Many situations regarding the hindrance of women's mental health have been observed since ancient times. But as many women are being educated, they are getting motivated to speak up and be concerned about their own health. 

Also because of our societal norms, it was being disregarded and this topic was defamed by certain people, which was further flourished in an improvised way. Topics such as stress, depression, anxiety were emphasized by various cliques. There was an increase in forming a group and spreading awareness regarding these topics. Women were opening up slowly and steadily and were acknowledge for sharing and getting treated for the same instead of being judged and looked down upon. 

Education and awareness, in my opinion, are the important factors that led us to this age where the taboo is getting permitted and encouraged. People are getting more open-minded and have no fear of talking about such issues in public. These aspects of women's health are being accepted by society and are given a helping hand as well. 

Kaviya March 13, 2021 8:46 pm

The acknowledgement of women's mental health can be added to the attention that mental health grasped from the onset of COVID. All over the world, as the need for bolstering & cherishing the psyche started to spread up, the need for people to manage all the stress & depression with this unprecedented experience emerged at each corner. To be specific, most women's world hasn't changed even during this lockdown I.e., the role of being a homemaker. Even they have breakdowns, worries & need to preserve their mind which is the primary contributor in overall health. During this quarantine, those women's multitasks extended even more with the family staying at home all the time & demanding consistent work. This calls for the protection of mental health once again. Besides this, the other possible reasons may include:


The gradual development in the realisation of gender equality.

The increase in the number of women embracing themselves & leading a life for their own.

The role of generation generating relatively high morale & logical thoughts.


There may be several such factors in society leading to the epiphany of the importance of mental health despite the border of gender. But the point is that the purpose & the need for mental well-being is getting acknowledged more than ever. This, in turn, may lead to a more bright future with relatively less depression, worries & stress. It's not that mental health is something special, just like anything else it can be enhanced if we do working on it a bit, no matter if it's a man or a woman - all have a mind to take care of! 



Radhika Saini March 14, 2021 2:18 am
This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Radhika Saini

I think a big credit of why Women's Mental Health got acknowledged goes to 'Feminism'. The women themselves started becoming aware of their rights & not just their duties. They started to live for themselves & started to think about what made them happy emotionally & physically. They gave priority to themselves & their mental health but these were the headstrong women of the 'Feminst Movement'.

Recently, women were in the limelight because of the increase in domestic abuse cases because of Covid. There was a sudden rise which was shocking but it was always present. The people were made aware & these cases opened their eyes & made them realise that what was actually happening around them. We started to think about our mental health & specially about the women of our household as we realised that how it feels to live, trapped inside a house & always work without even an ounce of mental peace & that's when we started to think about our women. That's when we started to think about other's around us & with us.

Thank you!

Aryan gupta March 14, 2021 11:24 am

I think it is because mordinized era that we are living in. Today's women can't be compared to ancient women. Women's showed us that what they can do for the society, for their husband, for their son, for their brother. And about their mental health I think especially in this lockdown everyone got mentally disturbed whether it is financially, mentally, emotionally, physically so everybody know what it feels and hence acknowledged them

Anahita Sharma March 14, 2021 11:49 am

One of the principle reasons why women's health has started being acknowledged is because women have started to speak up for their rights. In the previous eras, women were taught to be submissive and obediant, values which got ingrained into their minds. Thus, women never spoke up, or were not aware of their rights, because society taught them to do so. However, the current generation is actively working towards reversing these very ingrained values. They are constantly educating themselves on their rights, and the social situations around it. 

Women want to break the chain of silence, and stand up for their own well-being. When someone speaks up, people listen. Hence, because women have been actively voicing their concerns regarding their own mental health, people have started to listen and acknowledge them due to their persistance. 

We still have a long way to go. Socal issues like this don't just get solved overnight. A lot of resistance and awareness is still required, but we are headed in the direction of positive change. Whether it be a man, a woman, or any other gender, good mental health is a right everyone is entitled to. Thus, good mental health and the resources to achieve it should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their gender. 

Kritika Bhair March 14, 2021 3:52 pm

Maybe one of the most important reason is the stand they have started taking for themselves and the way everyone has started supporting and more or less the awareness that is being made for mental health in our society is one of the most important element.

Mental health has been receiving a lot of awareness in the present time and I think that's the most important reason for it being acknowledged.

Tanu March 15, 2021 5:14 pm

Women's movement was given more light in 1968 when women started protesting for their rights and talking aloud about their problems , which led into awareness about mental health issues about women. As more and more women were sent to schools and they took their step towards education ,they were more educated about the laws and the difference in their treatment.

This led the increase as per my belief. Another reason is that now a days technology is the biggest growing platform. And social media is one of those where now people are been heard more. 

As evidential videos and more and more voices came together and spoke about their issues. 

But according to me not only women's issues but many men also came forward to share their part of experience with mental health. 

31 Answers

The first and foremost reason for the acknowledgement of women's mental health and wellbeing in the recent past would be women's own initiative to voice up in an attempt, to not claim but reclaim their rights that had been seized from them.

An important accelerator to this acknowledgement would be the contribution of literature and especially women authors and poets who put forward factual information regarding women's mental health and the immense trauma they go through due to unattended professional help. The target audience if not the entire society,  was the elite literate upper class who had the power to bring about the required change. One such book on women's mental health is Ask Me About My Uterus by Abby Norman, a pain memoir worth reading. 

In conclusion,  through decades of struggle and effort, women's health and mental health in general has gained considerable attention and is timely tended to as the stigma and taboo regarding the same, if not eliminated,  has at least been diminished. 


Before when women used to suffer from mental health issue and suffers from fits sometimes,they were called "witches" but as the time passes people got curious to gain knowledge about mental health as well as gave importance to mental health. This is how women mental health started being acknowledged.

When deaths rates started increasing of women due to mental health issues. Many people started talked about it and started giving equal concern to mental health as they used to gave to physical health. Soon many people study about pyschology and started becoming pyschologist to help more and more people.

Aleesha Joykutty March 15, 2021 8:33 am

Before when women used to suffer from mental health issue and suffers from fits sometimes,they were called "witches" but as the time passes people got curious to gain knowledge about mental health as well as gave importance to mental health. This is how women mental health started being acknowledged.


I personally feel that the reason the women's health is getting recognized or valued over the past few years, due to the awareness and trend it has created by the leaders. 

Awareness and positive encouragement has helped women to uplift and come out from their shells and showcase themselves. They are confidently able to come forth to the stage over the recent years only beacuse of the encouragement and support they have received over the past years. 

The world is changing and evolving so are the people's ideas, mindsets and their perspectives towards life is also changing in many diverse things. Hence women are getting more valued and recognized and education has given them more opportunities to excel and come forward in lives. Their life has become more successful and meaningful and has got a new and better perspective.

Women are better acknowledged these days and valued. This has given them more upliftment and raised the social status of women compared to the previous years. 

Hoping that this continues further and they are better acknowledged in life.


Women have been empowered via education and awareness. More and more women today are speaking up. Movements like the Metoo movement have set a certain momentum in place where they are willing to voice their woes out and fight back inequality and oppression. Women have begun claiming their right to freedom of speech and have been standing up for themselves. 

Mental health has picked up traction in the recent past. People have started acknowledging mental ailments and women have decided to bring their mental issues to light. Women have decided to no longer be the victim. Silence and living in shame have certainly not helped them deal with their pain. Women today have been given due respect and have been included and acknowledged as equals, gender biases have fallen apart, enabling more and more acceptance and appreciation of women's opinions. Hence, women's mental health has also been taken into serious consideration.


The possible reasons why womens mental health started being acknowledged in the previous years could be the following:

Women started using their voice. They realised that staying quiet will do nothing, rather allow people to take them for granted. Hence, they started speaking out.

Women might also have realised that talking feels therapeutic and cathartic. It's nice to let out bottled up feelings ans emotions. Realised that mental health matters get worse when nothing is being done to get out of that.

Women started getting more educated and were made to be at par in front of men. They didn't see themselves as someone dependent on men, rather, they saw themselves as independent.

The men around also started realising that womens issues need to dealt with seriousness. Hence they started giving more importance to women's issues.

More women started getting into various fields via movies, books etc. They in turn started inspiring other women.

 feel like these are the possible reasons.

Megha Sarma March 14, 2021 11:56 am

Mental health has started gaining importance over the past few years. This is especially because of the emergence of psychology as a subject. Over the years it has developed and gained popularity. Many have started taking psychology as their subject for further studies. With this advancement in the field and acknowledgement of the subject people have started knowing more about mental health.

This knowledge has helped us to realise the importance of mental health of an individual, especially women. We realise the role women play in our lives and thus how their mental health not only affects them but the closed ones too. Thus, I think the study of psychology has made change in realising and acknowledging the importance of mental health for women

-Megha Sarma 


It's because women have started to stand for themselves. In these past years women have raised their voices for so many cases for example : rape cases. Even men have started supporting women. And society is also taking measures for women's mental health. And now somewhat they have started realising that women's mental health is a topic to discuss about. Many foreign countries are taking strict actions on women's mental issues and WHO have proved that women's mental issues are more compared to men. And now many writers have started writing about women's mental health. And many youngsters like us have started creating awareness on women's mental health. 




Women's Mental Health has seen considerable acknowledgment in the last few years, it may be due to many reasons like the increased women literacy, increased awareness about complications that women face during their menstrual cycle and pregnancy, the freedom is given to the women for exploring various realms has all together helped. 

In the last few years, we have observed that women's health issues have been discussed, and given the much-needed focus on a societal level, it also has to a much extent helped people to get an insight into the various mental health issues that women face across the life span. Also, the increasing awareness about women's issues such as molestation, rape, sexual assault has made it very important to pay attention and try to help women recover from such traumatic experiences both physically as well as mentally. Moreover in the last few years, there have been increased cases of Postpartum mortality and other severe postpartum disorders which in all had drawn people's attention towards women's mental health. Also, it is observed in many cases that women have suicidal tendencies after traumatic experiences such as rape, domestic violence, a physical and emotional assault which has made it important that people understand sort of difficulties that women have to face and the turmoil that is inflicted upon the women after such experience.

Also, women themselves have become aware and concerned about their physical fitness as well as mental health which has started a new drive to focus on the mental health of women across all age groups. Also, the current upsurge in the movement of feminism has resulted in women's mental health being acknowledged. And society as a whole has now got a clear insight into the importance of maintaining the mental health of women.  

Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health.


Over the last decade, women brought it upon themselves to become more independent in almost every sphere of life. There was a steep rise in the number of women that were getting educated and aware of concepts of gender equality, sexism, patriarchy. Educated women started occupying professional spaces, be it the corporate sector, law, politics, medicine, military, they conquered it all. this lead to them raising their voices against any injustices they suffered in the setups. In this way, they brought to light, issues of workplace harassment, gender pay gap, violence, and abuse. with this awareness can forward women on the frontline that refused to remain silenced and put forth their grievances and created platforms to raise their concerns about their physical, mental, emotional, and psychological well-being. With increased increased dialogue, social stigma and prejudice that surrounded mental illness started dissipating, slowly yet steadily. New laws regarding the same further lead to increased importance being given to womens mental health. All of these gradual changes in society and the mindset of people caused an era where women stood up for their rights and their well-being and their voices were heard.


When it comes to mental health, women continue to face different challenges everyday, built on centuries of misconceptions regarding their health. Historically, traditional gender roles and societal norms have illustrated a strange picture of women's mental health issues.
In the ancient times, hysteria was used to diagnose women's psychological health. It all continued till 18th and 19th century. The late 20th century was a turning point where people began to recognise mental health issues of women.
With the growth of the field of Psychology, a variety of women's mental health issues are being recognised. However, even today the stigma around mental health remains. People often refer women's mental health issues as 'drama.' Now it's high time we break the stigma and stereotypes.
Women's mental health started being acknowledged in the previous years. This could be because of various reasons such as:
1. The field of Psychology is growing and people are learning more about mental health and how it is importance.
2. People are becoming more open minded and accepting.
3. Proper education and awareness has led to this. People are more aware of importance of mental health.
4. Women are opening up about their struggles and conditions.

Also, the lockdown due to the pandemic has led to people opening up about their situations and struggles. Taking inspiration from one individual, now many people are opening up. It is important to be more vocal about our personal experiences so as to connect to other women out there.


Women’s mental has not been acknowledged for centuries. It has been believed that she is more sensitive than men or are hormones are made the excuse. Mental health is still stigmatized and associated with a lot of taboos and when talked about the mental health of women it’s usually brushed off and hundreds of women suffer in silence.

In the recent past, mental health has been highlighted. As per WHO, Health is defined as the complete well-being of physical, social, and mental well-being of an individual. Though still there is a long way to go advancement has been made concerning mental health.

Talking about women’s mental health the main thing which I believe that had led to the acknowledgment of mental health of women is the women getting in the professional fields of psychiatry and psychology and getting in-depth knowledge of the same.

The women are becoming more and more aware of this because of the online social media, the webinars happening and the women are actively participating in that.

The women are also expressing their emotions openly like Deepika Padukone who suffered in silence for years but then battle with depression with grace it gave strength to so many women to open up.

The COVID lockdown alarmed the people about the importance f mental health and professionals tried their best to raise awareness about the same

I would sum up by saying that education, awareness, voicing up and expression are the key factors that have led to the acknowledgment of the mental health of women.


If we just take a look at our society, it is obvious that women are most times given less importance for medical treatments. I bet many of you have seen your mothers work in kitchen even at a bad health state, but our fathers mostly takes an off and rests the whole day with proper medications.  This is one of the reasons why women’s mental health was acknowledged only recently.

In earlier days, before there were not much studies conducted in the field of psychology, Hysteria was thought to be a female disorder. Many inhuman practices were conducted to free women from this disorder. Other types of disorders were not really studied relating to women. Later in the field of psychology, many changes were made. It took a lot of time and struggle to involve women. There are many famous women psychologists who have contributed a lot for the same.


The reason women's mental health issues have started taking notice in the recent few years is because women are more empowered now. Its because as a society we have become more educated and aware about women's rights and how women all over the world have been opressed and neglected for centuries. Today women are standing up for themsleves and voicing their opinions , so it is natural that their mental health is also getting the acknowledgement it deserves. Today women get the much deserved respect and concern regarding their mental ailments, they have necessary facilites to help them deal with issues and concerns regarding their mental health. Today women are reaching new heights and breaking glass celiengs everywhere they go, and yet its not easy for them to do so in (what many people still belive is) a "man's world". So its high time we recognise and acknowledge women's mental health and start moving towards a more progressive and egalitarian society.


Recorded traces of women standing for mental health can be dated back to the 17th century when Abigail Adams requested her husband to "be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors... If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.” 

Later in the 18th century, the first women's rights convention was organized, the Seneca Falls Convention. Women's mental health started being more publicly acknowledged after this and they started getting more accepted and appreciated. After this time, Psychology was at a rise and various theorists starting from Freud explained how the various issues that women portrayed was not some satanic act but linked to the brain and how men were equally susceptible to the same. He also encouraged catharsis as well as vocalising of the issues faced. 

Through 20th century, various women rights activists, women who had major achievements in society, the importance the mother plays for the child, information on women health and such were all on the rise. Various countries who did not have votes for women started incorporating the same into their legislations. 

Through the course of time and chain of events, when women could see for themselves how capable and potent they were and when they realised that they are no inferior to men, they started demanding more from the society. This included mental health issues and their discussions as women were always observed to be more observant and vocal about such issues. They considered it wise to include such issues into picture after which several stigmatising factors were discussed and men and women alike were taken into account to get their views in international conferences and summits. 

Various forms of consumable media such as movies and books started having strong female characters as well as protagonists who were females. All such contributed to the realisation as well as vocalisation of women's mental health along with holistic care. 

All this points not only the fact that woman started being more vocal but also the fact that they were being heard which made them confident to be more demanding and stand for what seemed right to them from time to time. 

With globalisation, more connectivity than ever before, more resources and printed as well as digital media, the women and their voices have gotten more ground than ever in the past few decades. People too started having better understanding and empathy towards women as they started being more educated about women and humans generally. This led to women's mental health acknowledgment as well as societal support in the past few years more than ever. 

There is still a long way to go not just for women mental health but human mental health in general. Let us keep a hope for that path to be taken by our societies and cultures. 

This post was modified 4 years ago by Jerry Joy Mathew


There are innumerous factors to look at when we talk about , how and when the women’s mental health got acknowledged . It is a very diverse topic to research of , the most important and vibrant factors are , urbanisation , industrialisation , feminism , the modernisation , equality , the concept of justice .

Urbanisation – with the onset of urbanisation , people from rural villages came to cities and learned the new ways of living and acknowledging their own mental well-being and of others . The women gained ground with their bold voices .

Industrialisation- with the coming of industrialisation , people saw the emergence of women in fields where they had to work laboriously under bad working conditions and had to keep up with the needs of their family . Women participated in various movements expressing their demands and forming organisations with people who had the same dilemmas , this could be one factor which could have let to the acknowledgement of women’s mental- health .

Feminism- feminism means ' getting equality for all ' , it is misinterpreted to be ‘equality for women ' . But in the recent years these have inclined towards women equality on a whole broad base and these have given way to women to express themselves on either national , district or international level with support of various females who might or might not be going through the same .

Modernization – modernization means that a society is accepting the new liberal ways of living , introducing new concepts to bring a change in the society that might have some destructive effects , which might not be visible but are known to people and yet ignored and are accepted as norms of one society , for example – the domestic violence against women is usually ignored and the usual lines sais are ' it’s their own matter ' . Modernization is a way to raise voices against such evils that persist in our society and accepts mental – heth as a much normal abnormality rather than giving it a name such as ‘ ' done in much earlier parts of European history .

Literacy – as the people get literate , they learn about human minds and the ways these minds could backlash if they are over-stressed.

In all the modern concepts of equality , justice and every other social concept is accepting the fact that there are a lot of people with mental-health problems which need to be addressed rather than left without being looked after .


In the beginning of psychology being recognized as a field, the status of womens mental health was not at a good place. Freud believed that women are just hysterical. Although through the years and with more awareness people did start recognizing womens mental health more. 

The rise of feminism too had a major part at this recognition. Women were starting to talk and discuss their isuues which then made the mental helath issues more prominent. Women activists played a major role in this converstaion happening.

Over the years our media did start portraying stronger female characters, which further gave a boost in the acknowledgement of womens mental health. 



I feel that they were many factors that led to why women's mental health started being acknowledged in the previous few years. 

1. Rise in the number of women in the workforce. I think the increase in the number  of women  participants in the workforce increased their visibility and allowed them to demand for their rights. I feel this is one of the reasons why women's mental health started getting acknowledged. 

2. Feminism. In connection with the first point, since women started demanding for their rights, the conversation also led towards mental health problems that women might face. 

3. Representation in media. Diverse and complex characters have also played an important reason in why there is now conversation regarding their mental health problems. 

4. Modernization and education. As more and more started getting educated, this led to an increase in the conversation around the mental health women might face. 

These are some of the reasons that I why women's mental health is being discussed more recently. 


In my opinion, one of the main reasons, women's mental health began to be acknowledged in the last few years was because many women accepted, understood their difficulties regarding mental health and also came forward to express those to the masses. This continued and many more women slowly began to open up about their issues. And eventually, it became a global moment and women from different parts of the world and spheres of life began relating to others and slowly the awareness that mental health is as crucial as physical health came into light. The field of psychology had a huge boost and many more types of research were and are done on this aspect. Now many organizations and programs striving for better mental health and well being for all are being led by such pioneer women and are making history. Women from rural areas also benefitted from these initiatives and are actively promoting these by being strong and courageous to reveal their weaker side and by being proud and not shameful.


According to me, Women's mental health got acknowledgement in the previous years because of the development in field of psychology and awareness of the importance of mental health. Mental health is not a problem is the right of every person on Earth. Women's in previous years who stood up and fought for their right for mental health and started awareness about it are the main reason behind this acknowledgement. Mental health issues of women's like depression due to household abuse, stress, mood swings, being suppressed,etc  were getting known by people around the world, people started awareness about mental health and treatment of mental health problems and women's mental health was being acknowledged.


If we go back down in history, and have a glimpse on what to was man and woman's life. It was very very different. Man was supposed to do the powerful task and woman stayed home managed home. Life was pretty exhausting physically more than now. The heavy sand outer door stuff were done by man mostly, naturally they grew out to be dominant. In few 15-20years back till now times are changing we physically exert less, things are getting easy to around. Life is automated and we in the best era ever. So now almost all stuff that could do is now done by women easily. The ratio is still less and pretty discrimination stuff happening still. But now man can understand what woman had to go through and vice-versa. They both now have a comman topic to talk upon. Communications are much relatable now from past few year. It's will be much better in future.
This is the main reason I think now man & woman can talk to and share each other's burden. Understand each other's mental health issues. Thinking levels aligns to a level, that we as human race in comman can understand each other's pain & sorrow and actually empathise. Which is a great !
The way women stood up and stepped out had brought a lot of changes in many ways. Getting out of their comfort zones and set patterns with changing times. We are not there yet , but with this many change it has impacted on a whole level to human race. As women being the child bearers  have to be mentally healthy and positive. They should feel a sense of confidence and positivity within. Which is also an inner work to do. With self & other's support women's mental health overall with achieve new levels.


Over the years, we have seen women becoming quite forthcoming about their mental health. If we see, after the advent of western culture in India mainly after 1991 in the form of liberalization, privatization and globalization, not only foreign brands but also foreign culture was introduced. This could be one pf the strong possible reasons. This is the era of commencement of millennium. Now coming to recent decade, the introduction of several social media platforms and quick adaptation of Indians on it has become boon for all those who wanted to voice the taboo topics. People now can start a conversation and there can be several opinions on it. People can ask for solutions about a social or psychological problem they face and others are more than happy to help them. This happens irrespective of age, sex, nationality, caste, creed, race, etc. The world becomes one enormous family. People feel belonged and feel represented, These are the reasons why women's mental health is now acknowledged in previous years.



The world is now changing from the past, women are made aware that they do not have to be confined to social norms that do nothing to benefit them. As the era progresses, more women realize the discrimination and the injustice they face. Although it is difficult, many women are made aware through support from online sites, social media, books, the news and through education.

The most fundamental aspect of education is Women empowerment, with which, women get aware of mental health, discrimination and other issues. There are various increasing research articles and facts that make them know the trauma many women face is due to broader, sociocultural, economic, environmental, biological and legal factors that affect women's lives. Mental health issues faced by women is increasingly being known to be attributed to these above factors rather than just individual and lifestyle risk factors. Thus, this education makes them recognize how they are capable to fight injustice in various levels; at home, at work place and the public.

In addition, educating women has led to financial independence, this itself eradicates dominance by other members of the family and mental issues arising due to confinement and other causes to vulnerabilities. Yet, as role restrictions regarding housework and infant care; and excessive unpaid workloads; in addition to employment outside home as well as domestic duties with no social support, interpersonal violence leads to increasing risks of mental illnesses.

But while education may be one mean, interventions is another. The main goal of many arising NGOs is to target the social environment to address women's mental health issues. Hence, there have been primary health care (PHC) programs which indirectly promote mental health by addressing its determinants i.e., by enhancing social unity, minimizing discrimination etc. I believe that although the government may do a lot, it lies in the hands of the family members to provide support and make themselves aware of mental health issues and their determinants.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4539863/



Women mental health; a topic much debated and talked about since
second millennium BC and was recorded as hysteria and Freud considered
it as an exclusively female disease. Till the 19th century it was
noticed from two sides: scientific and demonological. After the 20th
century hysteria is a disease of both men and women. With women it was
more of “magic-demonological” then”scientific” because it was believed
that they are weak and easily influenced by supernatural forces. This
is a small glimpse of how in the past mental health was being dealt

It was not a big deal for people to not notice women’s mental health
and not even for women to not notice them as they are mainly taught to
care about themselves before anyone else and if anyone somehow gets to
notice this, they are ignored. As we come to think about this, there
is change from the past but not that much for a woman to deliberately
tell the society that she needs any help on any level and that too
mainly on a mental level. With talks of mental health and feminism as
they came out in open and in limelight talks about mental awareness
and opportunities equal to men, women’s mental health became a topic
more talked about and being more explored.


I feel women mental health is finally being acknowledged since the time women have started speaking against it. They finally realized that their rights are being suppressed. Since a long time the people of the society tried differentiating the gender rules . Men were supposed to be the bread earners while the women were said to stay at home and take care of the family. This inequality eventually led to the starting of feminism. it called for equality and a better mental and physical health for women. They started questioning it and people finally acknowledged them. Its not surprising that their efforts are finally being a little successful but it still took a long time. There is still a long time to go for women mental health to be discussed as important topic.

Women tend to be more emotional and this leads to even more number of mental disturbance to them. it is an important issues and was needed to be discussed way before. I hope more and more people start acknowledging it.

Women should be educated about this matter to make them even more aware. If men to add up in this fight then I am sure it wont be long when mental health for women will  become a frequently used term. The patriarchy needs to break down so this topic can get support! Earlier women were not allowed to work but now most of them can. They weren't allowed to raise opinions but now they can. These are the kind of improvements we as a society are looking for. Its not only a greed but also a necessity. 


According to me, women's mental health came in limelight when women started to stand up for themselves. When they decided that it was enough that they stay dependent on someone for their needs and their rights.

 It started when women education was taken seriously and they started taking a stand for themselves and started voicing out their opinions, feelings, emotions and their mental health status.

I thing it started when they decided that ignorance is not always a bliss and it is high time women start not to ignore their draining mental health and start seeking help when needed. 

The rise in the field of psychology and the way people have started to perceive mental health nowadays has also got to do a alot with women and their acknowledgement of their mental health.



Mental health is the overall cognitive, emotional and behavioural well-being. The world health organisation asserts that it's not just the absence of mental problems, but also avoiding any possible mental health problems. There are many ways i which we can take care of our mental health. But that is not the concern of this specific question. Women on a daily basis go through a lot of hardships. It may take a toll on their mental health. Traditionally, they were told to take care of the house and the children. Some are also subjected to domestic violence and this takes a toll on their mental health. It is also possible for creating a trauma like situation. And managing children is also a tedious task. The work what a woman was/is supposed to do requires great efforts. And most of the time, it goes unnoticed or they are not even appreciated for it. 

As the traditions are changing and the world is turning towards a free world that does not obligate a person to do certain work with regards to their gender, people are starting to know themselves as well as the world outside. Mental health, which was not known to many, later became a taboo, and then the world is acknowledging mental health problems and the importance of having a proper mental health. Mental health is gaining more and more importance lately. It can also be seen that women's mental health is also being acknowledged in the recent years. There are many reasons for this to occur. Some of them are:

Non-rigid structure of the current society: the people are not forced into some gender specific roles. This it allows people to pursue their choice of work. For example, there is a rise in the rate of house-husbands. And it is because of this rise, men are starting to understand how difficult it was for women to work without any appreciation or any acknowledgement. This has lead to the understanding that acknowledging everyone's mental health is important

Increase in research about women's mental health: With the importance of mental health on humans gaining more importance. Some researchers are also curious about the problems faced by a particular gender. This has lead to an increase in the number of research about women's mental health. And thus there are newer information being presented every single day

Increase in the number of women in work sector: Because of this, the typical stereotypes about women are being discarded. Women now face lesser (comparatively) problems in regards to the restrictions put on them due to gender stereotypes. Thus their mental health is also taken into consideration.

More number of women getting educated: As more and more women are getting educated. They are gaining more knowledge about themselves and about the world. This helps in gaining more knowledge about mental health and they know where to consult and whom to speak about their mental health problems. 

Lastly, I would like to put my views. I feel that mental health should be acknowledged for everyone irrespective of their gender or sex. In earlier days, men were restricted to talk about their mental health instead of women. This is because men were expected to be strong and aggressive. But in the current world, this is changing. Thus, mental health is an important aspect. And everyone should acknowledge it. 

Thank you.


One of the important reasons as to why women's mental health was begun to be acknowledged is how they started taking a stand for themselves. How they voiced out their struggles, challenges and the discrimination done against them. It is when all the women came together and rebelled against the injustice they were facing everyday in their lives. And seeing that they make up a very major part of the population, steps were to be taken. That is why we see the amount of respect, equality and rights that women get today.

These all things weren't always present. Though it is true that in early vedic period, women were treated equally. They were allowed to sit in courts, have a part in major discussions, were allowed to study, have properties on their names, it all started declining in the later vedic period. That's when women weren't allowed to study much or gain knowledge apart from the household stuff and activities such as singing and dancing. A time came when society started seeing them as someone who belongs inside the four walls, as a baby making machine or as a person whose only purpose was to keep her husband and family happy. And that's when one can fairly say that their mental health started getting affected. And this went on for centuries. All the abuse, neglect, suppression - until the modern era. That was when even women started reading, writing, gaining knowledge. And as they did, they started realising how important it is to think about oneself. Many famous authors and poets came into the light, who helped others see the reality. As people realised and started changing their perspective on women, more measures were taken to give them equality in everything. And mental health was not left behind because women, girls finally found the courage to share the problems with the world as they knew that someone out there would listen and understand. 


Imbalance in the male and female ratio may be the main cause that makes the society more conscious and serious and let them find the problems that women are facing. and women's mental and physical problems are very serious so that's why they are highlighted.

Education and awareness, are the important factors that led us to this age where the taboo is getting permitted and encouraged. People are getting more open-minded and have no fear of talking about such issues in public. These aspects of women's health are being accepted by society and are given a helping hand as well.


Women at every stage of life are vulnerable to anxiety and depression, and in no small part due to expectations placed upon them by culture, family and double standards. But in recent years, people around the globe, especially women,  are becoming more aware about mental health and illnesses.

Few of the possible reasons as to why women’s mental health started being acknowledged in the previous years could be because many people around the world have started speaking up about mental heath openly including celebrities, people have become more aware and  educated especially during this pandemic. When celebrities share their own personal struggles, it tends to generate a lot of publicity and can help start much-needed conversations about mental health. But it’s important not to underestimate the power of regular people talking about those same things. The more people who raise their hands and say they’ve experienced depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders, the less fear someone else will have to admit they need help and seek treatment.

Talking to someone you know about what’s going on can relieve some of the anxiety or stress you may be feeling. While your friends and family aren’t medical professionals, they are there to support you and know you well enough to be trusted with your emotions. While it’s natural to want to bury your feelings and pretend everything’s fine, talking openly can help you find relief and begin to work through your struggles.


Vaishnavi S March 14, 2021 10:50 pm

women mental health is gaining importance is recent times because of education and modernization. improvement in research and medicine have also lead to open the gates of discussion and awareness about women mental health.


Women's mental health acknowledgement has seen a rapid change after the feminism movement. The more women became knowledgeable and stood up for their rights the more their mental health problems started coming into the limelight too. Now more and more medical Fields are becoming female inclusive and are trying to learn and help more women achieve good health both mental and physical. There were various events that led to much better access to women's mental health problems and educating women and making them aware of their rights and acknowledging their symptoms have helped rapidly from preventing women from being gaslighted by the medical institutions which had been done for centuries.


If we look at history we see that women have not always been the weaker sex. In certain societies women are worshiped. They are thought of as the one who holds strength and power. Even the sex ratio was 1050 per thousand male before. So we see that women have been dominated for quite a few centuries by the patriarchal society. It was these toxic norms which did not let a woman open her wings, she was kept inside a cage. 

But once women learned the power of education and knowledge, I guess they never looked back. All it takes is to sense the strength that lies within you. from then on women have used various ways to step out of the four walls and embrace the world. After that also for a long long time women were restricted from doing certain types work and of course their main duty had to be taking care of the family and nurturing the young ones. 

Year after year things got developed and women learnt about more things, about the world, the universe, the environment and most importantly about herself. They took out time and started spending few moments of the day for themselves. Some brave souls started talking about their stories as well. They learnt each others struggles and sacrifices that they made. It made them realize about their mental health and made them aware of their emotions. Slowing the ignition of mental health started.

Growth of psychology as a discipline and its scope also led to the increase of awareness about mental health. Living in the 20th century has its own disadvantages like stress and tension with more workload and pressure along with perks of advanced technology. These issues are also responsible in making mental health an important topic of discussion. 


Women have always been considered the weaker of the two sexes. Earlier, women were considered to be facilitator of the household. She was meant to cook and clean, raise the kids or look after her husband and his family. She did not have her own identity, she was a mere helper. She was meant to serve. Her health, mental or physical was hardly cared for. She was supposed to cater to other people's health. However with time and broadening of people's mindsets, women health and well being are more widely discussed today. Earlier it wasn't considered if the woman is keeping up, feeling happy or doing well. She was treated as an object at best. But now women are going places, women are at the helm of power and the mental health of women vastly affects the household. Women working outside does in no way demean her contributions at home, and for work and home, their mental health is integral to the effective functioning of both. When she is the boss, the mother, the wife it becomes one's priority to look after her health for the purpose of stability. Hence, for the above mentioned reasons, women are being the centre of attention now, when it comes to mental health 
