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Psychology is more than a subject 😍

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Over the decades the definition of psychology has been evolving. But one thing that remained constant was studying or getting to know more about  human behaviour. 

The mankind is striving hard to develop every sector of economy. So when it was my turn to choose my field of interest, the very first thought that came into my mind was what would I be dealing with;what would be my daily routine. Then I thought, if I become an engineer I will deal with machines or automobiles and I if choose medicine I will end up studying aboit diseases and pathologies. But when I thought about psychology, I realized I will be studying about live machines-humans. Human behaviour is very complicated to comphrened, considering the fact that, all of us are different from each other. 

Later when I finally got into the field of psychology I realized, psychology is not just a subject rather it's much more than just a subject. I realized the very basic thing of humans that is drives and emotions are studied in psychology. Be it Maslow's hierarchical needs or Freud's theory of Psychoanalysis, everything has a real life application to our lives. Over the course of 4 years, I have experienced it many a times that whatever we do, what we think and bow we behave; everything falls under the domain of psychology.

The therapies that we study are systematically designed to give the best help to the human race. I still keep wondering sometimes that how diverse is this human species and how beautifully psychology tries to explain about this human diversity. For human diversity is influenced by its culture, thought process and the environment around an individual.

Psychology is not just a subject rather it's a live science that we study and understand about our actions,thoughts,feelings, behaviour and emotions better. I believe everything that we do revolves around the field of psychology.

Ranjima Raveendran December 14, 2020 9:26 am

Very true.. Psychology is more than a subject.. Very well written. Very informative. All the best! 

Fatima Vinod December 14, 2020 7:26 pm

Very well expressed!! Hope you’re doing safe and well!!

Sabira Solanki December 14, 2020 9:08 pm

A well written article that explores what psychology is. This is exactly what your article was! And I loved how you described humans, as a complex machine. Indeed we really are a complex and unique machine, each fueled with different emotions and feelings..

5 Answers

Couldn’t agree more on “everything we do revolves  around psychology”. It’s fascinating to see how psychology answers the “why” aspect of everything we do as humans. 

Pooja Gupta Topic starter December 14, 2020 9:22 am

Thank you 😍


I totally agree with everything you've said. This was very motivating, guiding, and informative. We know how Psychology works as it covers the whole of humanity. Thank you for this.

Pooja Gupta Topic starter December 14, 2020 9:23 am

Thank you Alleyan😀


Yes indeed psychology is more than a subject. It's a guide to all my questions. 

Thanks for sharing this information. 


Hi Pooja! Thank you for sharing this stunning article! I totally agree - studying Psychology is like cultivating a long-overdue essential life skill, and I'm so glad we can talk about it via this platform!

Wishing you the best up ahead. Cheers!


Yes it is.... More than just a subject.... Applying psychology in day to day life is thrilling. 
