


 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder also known as PMDD that is similar to premenstrual syndrome  (PMS). PMDD is way more serious than PMS. PMDD involves physical and psychological symptoms. Decreasing levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones after ovulation and before menstruation may lead to the cause of PMDD.

The main psychological symptoms of PMDD are irritation, the person constantly gets frustrated, depressed, faces paranoia and issues with self-image, coordination difficulties, forgetfulness, anxiety and also leads to  high amount of stress a week or a few days before the menstrual cycle starts.

The physical symptoms of PMDD are increased appetite, insomnia or feeling very sleepy, heart palpitations, fainting. A survey says that 10 percent women experiences PMDD.  PMDD is a chronic condition and requires necessary treatment.

This condition leads to dispute in relationships and leads to disrupt in daily routine. Researchers say that there no treatment but can be prevented or controlled. Antidepressant can be used to help control brains brain’s serotonin levels. Change in diet plan such as excluding fats, foods containing sugar and caffeine.

To prevent cramp pain, headaches, physical symptoms pain killers are advised in severe and unbearable conditions. Regular exercise and meditations can be practiced to improve mood. Meditations is always recommended as it relaxes the body releases stress.

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Written by Fiona Buthello

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