
Period and emotional explosiveness

The release of dissipated tissues from the uterus of a woman’s body is called a period or menstruation and the time interval of about three to five days of its occurrence periodically every month is called menses.

With the changing trends and times, the taboos related to women and menstruation has slowly diminished but unfortunately not completely eliminated. One of these being the occurrence of mood swings at the time of menstruation.

In former times, the recurring changes in moods of a woman during ‘that time of the month’ was considered to be a cause of what the Greeks then called hysteria or the wandering uterus, a sex selective disorder. This wandering uterus was said to have led to constant diseases of anxiety, depression and other mood changes experienced, which are otherwise considered normal in this era to be endured by a menstruating woman.

Period and emotional explosiveness

A general meaning of mood swings

Mood swings are a phenomenon of abrupt fluctuation of emotions. It is a “roller coaster” of feelings. The changes in mood are inconsistent and unanticipated since at one point one may feel nostalgic and right after frustrated and later indifferent. Hence, a majority of women feel a little more temperamental while on their period.

Possible causes of mood swings while menstruating

The exact cause that can be held accountable for the endurance of mood swings during menstruation has not been made clear yet but the general approval of the role of hormones played during one’s period is often agreed upon by most psychologists worldwide. The fluctuations of estrogen and progesterone hormones are seen to be the reason standing forefront during menstruation.

The rise in estrogen is what causes feelings of anger and the decline of progesterone is the cause of sadness and low moods. The constant fluctuations between these two hormones during the three to five days of period flow are the reason for the prompt shift in emotions and moods.

Secondly, unstable diet plans also seem to be a factor causing feelings of irritability during one’s period especially with fluctuations in blood sugar levels. With the regular intake of junk food, the fluctuating emotions often cause a feeling of self loathe especially in adolescent girls who believe that eating the unhealthy junk would affect their physique eventually leading to body image issues.

Sleep also plays an important role in keeping a calm mind. Getting an average eight hour of sleep during night helps to reduce anxiety and frustration.

Undergoing stress in general is unhealthy and while on period, it triggers feelings of impatience, nervousness as well as anxiety. This often causes learning disability, hinders concentration as well as affects mental health.

Intake of medication during menstruation usually to relieve pain caused due to cramps often are the cause of mood swings while anti depressants as well as mood stabilizers may take a toll on one’s mental health due to the already hormonal roles in play. Intake of certain birth control pills is also harmful when it comes to one’s mood stability and mental health.

Post menstrual Syndrome (PMSis another major reason for severe mood swings. PMS is a combination of physiological as well as psychological disruptions leading to frequent irregular mood changes right before the onset of menstruation (about one week prior). These severe mood swings and their symptoms often tend to disappear a couple of days after the start of one’s period.

Ways to contain mood swings

There are certain ways to stabilize mood swings or control them in order to restrain further future shifts in mood. One of the ways being regular exercise which not only improves physical health but also mental health. The release of endorphins helps alleviate one’s anxiety.

Avoiding the intake of caffeine and other stimulants of the kind may help avoiding the alterations in mood. Caffeine sure does help reduce exhaustion but their excessive uses can cause an increase in anxiety.

Stress management and its regular practice can help curb feelings of stress and other moods that may make one feel low or taxed with meditation and yoga being the foremost prescribed stress management techniques.

Finally, getting an adequate amount of sleep also helps keep a check of the untimely shifts in mood.

All things considered, the shifts in moods or mood swings in general during menstruation have been normalized over time as unlike the past when they were considered as severe mental disorder.

Even though the changes in moods are normal during one’s period, severe fluctuations would require a visit to the doctor. Usually, cognitive behavioral therapists are seen to treat mood disorders or severe mood swings while psychiatrists and psychologists also specialize in the field.

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Written by Athya Ashraf

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