
Anxiety-A traumatic disorder

Our body’s natural response to a stressful stimuli is what is referred to as anxiety. It often becomes a barrier in people’s path of fulfilling their goals and aspirations as they’re held back by their low self-confidence. It is absolutely normal to feel overwhelmed by this mental pressure but it is harmful when that pressure obstructs your way of thinking and reacting and makes you feel uncomfortable.

A lot of people have, from time immemorial, suffered from social anxiety disorder due to which they’ve faced certain consequences that were unasked for.

There are several ways through which we can overcome and tackle this problem.

  1. In situations like these, we must first try to take deep breaths and calm ourselves down.
  2. We should clear our minds completely and concentrate on our heartbeats.
  3. Then we must only focus on what we’re dealing with, so that we’re not distracted easily.

These techniques are some basic methods that are primary steps in dealing with nervousness.

Personally, there have been numerous occasions which I can recall quite vividly wherein I’ve experienced this ‘terrible’ emotion that I call, as it has held me back from accomplishing my dreams and things that I had always wanted to do.

For instance, I’ve been playing good football since I was 10.Unfortunately,I have always been unlucky when it came to playing for my schools’ teams as I was always under the constant fear of being judged ,due to which my concentration on my gameplay was poor.

Thus, there was often a huge contrast between my gameplay in front of my coaches and in front of my mates. I would pity myself whenever I would make blunders while trying to impress my coaches with my playing skills. Therefore, I can say that nervousness always has taken a heavy toll on my passion and goals.

Another relatable experience of nervousness damaging my self-esteem was whenever I had to perform on stage at school. I would blank out in front of the audience, forget what I had to say onstage and make a fool out of myself by just standing still. All this was just because I thought way too much about what people thought about me, when no one actually cared who I was or what I was doing.

A lot of my true potential has been lost to anxiety and nervousness and I don’t want to face any further inconveniences because of them.

One very important lesson I’ve learnt is that you cannot impress or make everyone like you all the time and therefore, rather than worrying about what people think of us ,we must put in our best efforts in all that we do so that, in the end, we all are satisfied for giving in our best and are content with our results. This way of thinking will undoubtedly ensure that we never have anxiety or panic attacks during social interactions. I hope this piece of advice from me helps someone in need.

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Written by Maaz Ahmad

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Athya Ashraf

Putting forward personal experiences on a public platform is undoubtedly commendable as it requires all the courage one has gathered. Nevertheless, it is what that makes an article all the more interesting. Reading this article was definitely worth my time. Very informative and impressive.
Keep up the good work!