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The best quote for Overthinking

“Thinking too much leads to paralysis by analysis. It’s important to think things through, but many use thinking as a means of avoiding action.”
– Robert Herjavek

Find more overthinking quotes here

The flowers lurched around in motion, the cool breeze hit my face and the mellow voice of violin played in the background, “yes yes” the perfect romantic scene just like that in movies the only difference being that it all wandered in my head and not in real life as I had finally confessed my feelings to my 8th standard crush, my heart started beating faster, my head had already imagined all the dates we would be going on the fun we would be having, but my heart skipped a beat and my world came crashing down when he said, “I love someone else“. At that moment I couldn’t feel anything. “was I too ugly”,” was I too fat” didn’t “I have a perfect figure” “why did he reject me” and once again overthinking had made a place in my head.

Girl Thinking too Much
A girl thinking and looking out from the window.

Have you been in the same place when you also started to over-analyze overthink situations about what will happen in the next episode, why did he betray me, why was I not shortlisted for that interview, wasn’t I perfect for this job.


Overthinking is the simplest form that can be defined as thinking too much about a particular situation. A person keeps thinking about the same situation over and over again re-analyzing things or how one reacted to that situation. In other words, we can say a never-ending bucket of chocolates or whatever pleases you, the more you keep eating from that bucket of ice-cream the more the bucket keeps filling in, the only difference being ice-cream tasted better and gives you happiness and overthinking does nothing but lead you into new world’s of introspection and may sometimes lead to anxiety, depression and other psychological problems.


why people overthink
Image showing multiple thoughts running in the mind.

Asking this question is the same as asking people why they eat or why do you live on this planet. There’s no specific reason as to why people overthink, one way of answering this question is.

When we go to an ice cream parlor we always go for our favorite flavor but if that flavor is not available we are down with a dilemma as to what flavor to choose it takes an ounce of second to decide which flavor to choose similarly when something doesn’t go according to our wish or sometimes the situation itself gets so complicated that it makes us overthink about the decisions, things and the future that it beholds, it leaves us in a dilemma as to which flavor to choose.


I have always been a lover of coffee, so this coffee shop launched a new coffee named “OVERTHINKING LATTE” with a pinch of original coffee beans mixed with beans of overthinking I was so excited to try this coffee so I did try out this new coffee the day it was launched because of “FOMO”, the process of making that coffee was so alluring that anybody would go for it, I finally had that coffee mug in my hand as just as I savored through its first sip I was instantly taken aback that coffee literally had no taste looked so alluring but it that was the worst coffee ever to be tasted in my entire life. Overthinking is like the same:

  • it looks alluring too but all it does is make your mind fill with negative thoughts.
  • it makes a person handicap of his/her thoughts.
  • you are not able to think freely.
  • it affects your mental as well as physical health.
  • it damages your personality as a whole, makes you lack confidence.
  • your appetite also takes a hit.
  • your sleep schedule is disturbed.
  • makes you imagine scenarios that are never gonna happen.
  • It might also lead to stress anxiety, depression.
  • it can even lead to cardiovascular diseases.


Refreshing your mind over a cup of cold coffee is more “OG” than being old school and having a repeated cup of awful taste of overthinking latte. As we all know that; how overthinking can imbalance our whole life and lead us to vain, here are a few tips or tricks to help overcome overthinking.

So let’s start with the solutions

  • swipe left for a peaceful life: In this world of swiping left or right for agreement or disagreement let’s start swiping left for overthinking or over-analyzing situations or overthinking about what you said or did was right or wrong.

Just as you don’t like someone you swipe them left on some dating apps the same way swipe left for thoughts which make you over analyze things or overthink about situations you don’t need that kind of toxicity in your life.

  • doodle your thoughts: The best way to not overthink situations is to draw or doodle and express yourself and save yourself from the monster of overthinking.

Expressing yourself through art is one of the most renowned fields in Psychology that is called art therapy. Take out time, draw something on any sheet of paper or write anything you feel and express yourself in that sheet of paper and vent out all your thoughts and pump out all the things from your brain into the paper.

  • talk about what’s troubling to people: talk about how you are feeling about what you did to your friends, vent it out and it will be okay.
  • treat yourself with some food: what’s a better way to not over-analyze your situations or your decisions by treating yourself with lots of food, ice cream or anything you like.

Food, as they say, is the cure for anything, eat something which you love to treat yourself with some good food and your brain too will automatically become the happiest person.

It’s human tendency to overthink situations but we can work towards improving it and anyways who would like to have a tasteless overthinking latte over a bucket of never-ending ice cream.

What do you think?

169 Points

Written by Amna Alim

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Well written.


Good Work!

Nidhi Dahiya

Grt work..keep going with this spirit.

Brinda S

beautifully written.

Lutfia Khan

for a first article, this was so amazingly written!

Riya Rajkotiya

Great peice of work

Jigyasa vashistha

thanks for writing …this is so wonderful article..loved it 🙂

Simran Rai

great article!

Yashaswini Bhat

nicely written article

Kritika Bhair

very well written
good luck
i liked the title

Jigyasa vashistha

very very informative … keep writing:)


Well written. The way of presentation is so good. The solutions given are also effective for reducing overthinking. As overthinking takes control of our thoughts its better to avoid as much as possible.

Apeksha Sharma

I seriously loved how beautifully you wrote this! It’s the perfect balance between science and personal beliefs. The writing is very intresting and innovative!

Last edited 4 years ago by Apeksha Sharma

Nice work! And nice title btw!

Kirti Giridhar

I couldn’t hold back myself even for a second as while reading your article it has grasped my full attention.
The way you made comparisons with coffee and the right swipe I loved it and the formation of sentences .I personally am an overthinker and being one knows what goes in our head you have made a beautiful as well as an informative representation of “Overthinking”.
I would work upon the solutions you have provided for sure.
This article even portrayed to me what kind of a positive and helpful being you are by your thoughts that you have penned down.